[@Chris488][@marxxie] The king sat on his throne. His eyes were upon the floor underneath his feet. This king had gone... rather silent during this time. He was lost within his own thoughts, not paying much attention to anything else, not paying much attention to the world around him at this time. King Hanequin was a.... rather worried king, a depressed king, an angry king, an afraid king, anything that could be used to describe him at this time.... that was the kind of king that he was. "...................." Sighs could be heard often. That was the main sound that was heard. The rest was, well, total silence, except for the sound of his breathing, which seemed to be rather quiet for the most part. He was praying at times, inside his mind. King Hanequin was trying to think of any possible other solutions to this... situation. But alas, none could be thought of, and so far, in that short time, there was none to be found. Anyone in this situation would most likely assume it to be a.... rather hopeless situation, or so one would think if they were the king. The king wished for a true solution. He continued to pray for one. Otherwise, he would truly have no choice. "A king must do what must be done...." He finally spoke out loud after some time had passed. However, his voice was barely above a whisper. It also showed what emotions he was feeling during this time. It gave away what he was feeling.