[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/x53CUK7.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BEFF2]Time: Morning Location: River Port Interactions: Rue [@Potter], Eris and “Valerie”(Raven)[@Tae], Annya [@princess], and Inori [@Shard] Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas. [/color] [hr] [color=B3E3E4]Bowyn felt the ground beneath his feet change and shift, his body reacted to the sudden changes around him. An instant hit of horrible nausea, far worse than waking up sober, and his concentration shattered along with his shield of ice. His head throbbed and he looked around utterly confused. He wasn’t even at the beach, he was back in the inn. Bowyn was absolutely certain he hadn’t just randomly blacked out and when he was finally able to look back through the portal he’d been so rudely forced through he saw Erin speaking. [color=1BEFF2][i]“Bitch.”[/i][/color] Bowyn muttered under his breath once he realized what had happened. As much as he wanted to run back through the damn portal he was pretty sure he’d just end up being shoved back through it again if he did. That was elves' answer to everything, wasn’t it? Push and pull whoever they wanted through these damn portals, acting like they knew better than everyone else. Bowyn instead offered Erin a rude gesture before turning back towards both Arn and Rue. And Arn, as it turned out, was a good medic. By the time Bowyn made his way to where Arn had Rue laid out and cooling off the other fairy was starting to wake up. [color=1BEFF2]“Good work. Thank you.”[/color] Bowyn nearly choked on the words but managed to get them out as he gave a nod to Arn. He then knelt down by Rue’s side and spoke with a calm tone. [color=1BEFF2]“So you passed out, too much sun I’m guessing. There was another broadcast, threatening humans, this time from a demon called Pride. It, um, killed a human and set Valerie off, and caused a big storm. Since the building's still standing, I’m guessing they stopped it and you're safe now.”[/color] Bowyn gave her the quick recap, glossing over any details that would be too upsetting. [color=1BEFF2]“How do you feel? Do you want water or something?”[/color] Bowyn offered but didn’t wait for her answer. The winter fairy immediately hopped back up and returned a few moments later with a glass of water, the glass frosted by his magic. [/color]