[@marxxie][@Chris488] King Hanequin has kept his eyes towards the, now viewed as cold and hard, floor for the longest time as he sat there upon his throne, after speaking his thoughts out loud, and rather quietly, for a moment or so. Footsteps could be heard soon enough, but he did not raise his head. He ignored them at the moment. His thoughts were clearly elsewhere, and for obvious reasons. He did not notice a presence there, at least not right away, let alone notice that it was his own daughter and that she had run up to him. Another sigh could be heard, coming from him of course, obviously. This male blinked, freezing for a time, but had still yet to raise his head, upon feeling that touch, that hand upon his own and such. With half open eyes, he barely glanced up, barely glanced towards the princess. The princess was on her knees, apparently, and the sight made him feel worse, making him think of himself as a possible failure. A king never fails, they cannot fail, or so he believed. He was taught that a good, true king would do whatever it took to protect their home, their kingdom, would do whatever it took to protect his people and keep them safe. His prayers had gone without a response. It had started to feel as if a solution would not be found easily, if at all. It truly had begun to feel hopeless. He would barely nod at her first words spoken, if at all, and continue to remain silent for a time. ".............................." The king would notice the tears in her eyes soon enough. They would make him feel even worse somehow, if that was even possible. The sounds of the storm outside could somehow be heard in the throne room, and it reminded him of what he had been thinking about since entering his throne room and sitting down upon his throne. Upon hearing his daughters' next words, he somehow managed to find his voice, if only to respond that one time. "Faith......." There was a pause. "....Nothing lasts.....not even strength......" He took a breath. "One can only hope....... but a king must do what must be done....in the end....." The king finally glanced at his daughter fully, if only for a time. That depressed, saddened, and so on, look on his face had yet to fade. Another sigh would soon be heard before he said one other thing, and only that at the moment. "......The people, this kingdom, our home.... must all come first."