[center][img]https://vsthemes.org/uploads/posts/2018-09/1536012927_2018-09-04_011033.jpg[/img] https://youtu.be/g-mdQgrZgew[/center] [color=DCDCDC] [b]The Basic Setting[/b] The story takes place in an alternative reality. In a nutshell, the history of Earth diverges from our reality back in 2012. September 13th, a space storm bombards the Earth with radiation killing most of humanity and causing movement in the tectonic plates, reshaping the face of the planet somewhat. The few of us that are left, have no idea how many of us there really are and how the world has changed. There is no electricity, no matter what we do, electronic devices just won't work. The storm also changed us. Ever since the storm, some of us have been able to channel our malice or benevolence as supernatural energy. Manifestations of our genuine emotions, feelings and thoughts have become a power we can use as weapons, tools or in many other ways. [b]The Story[/b] The main character finds out about a possible settlement far away. Whatever their intention or reasoning is, they decide to start the long journey. Maybe they will survive, maybe they won't, but a direction and a goal is as good as any in the broken world they live in. You can read more about the world [url=https://1drv.ms/b/s!Apsck4P8HVKHgis6Or1VY2JgOxAG]here[/url]. You will find a PDF booklet. Looking for: 1. A main character who is the center of all action 2. A few supporting characters who enter the story at different points, who may or may not stay for the whole journey. This is how the game will work: - I will play as the Narrator, set the scenes, play the environment, write creatures, NPCs etc. - The story begins with the main character, alone somewhere in the world, at a place of their choosing. - As the character ventures on they encounter other people (NPC and PC alike), challenges and so on - In its simplicity the game will be a journey from point A to point B where the story ends. - We play the story in scenes/chapters so there is some time/distance jumping to minimize the empty lull. I am hoping that you would write at least three good paragraphs as an average.[/color]