[b][color=crimson][img]https://i.imgur.com/sUKZP3C.png[/img][/color][/b][sup][right]Tag(s): Lorelei [@Tae][/right][/sup][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][hr] [color=gray]The Librarium sent Ixius off with a big smile, he didn't know that his masters could smile that wide. Ixius was unsure if they were happy that he would broaden his horizons... or that he was not their responsibility for at least a few years. [color=white]"Learn well, young Ixius."[/color] The crimson-eyed boy narrowed his eyes at them, giving them a stern look. [color=white]"Keep Arch-Magus Fallard's words in mind."[/color] After another moment passes, he sighs before stepping into the carriage. [b][color=crimson]"I'll be sure to uphold the Librarium's reputation."[/color][/b] A few other Magus rode on the carriage with Ixius. Though some gave blank introductions, he replied with a perfunctory introduction before unclasping a tome. The only time his eyes were away from his tome were during his short bouts of sleep. The environment, buildings, atmosphere, society... not really interested him as much as the contents within the tome. Soon the other Magus' stopped attempting to converse with him, leaving him to read in peaceful bliss. Some recognized him due to his infamy within the Librarium. Not many would openly disrespect mercenary bands as he had. The academy soon loomed over the horizon, the architecture and magic became more apparent as the carriage drew closer. The boy did look up from his tome, taking in the academy. It was clear that the head of the acedmy- Asmodius Hoseforn, had been with the Librarium. The currently known longest living human mage and a Magus' Librarium alumni. Some of the etchings felt familiar, yet alien to Ixius. The magic recognizable... yet unreadable. The magical aura held by the building was almost suffocating; so much so that even a non-magically inclined individual could feel the thrums of magic against the back of their head. [b][color=crimson]"Impressive..."[/color][/b] Ixius mumbled to himself, stepping off the carriage. He would find himself abandoned by those in the carriage, as he had taken more than a few moments marveling at the building. A fellow student bumped into his shoulder causing him to careen to the floor. Luckily he caught himself before he could fall. [color=white]"... out of the way,"[/color] The student scoffed before walking away and muttering to himself, [sup][color=white]"... Damned wizards."[/color][/sup] Ixius looked indifferently at the brutish boy who was a few heads taller than him. Clearly a non-magic user looking at their oafish self. He didn't get to reply as the boy left as quickly as he appeared. [i][color=crimson]Such expected behavior...[/color][/i] The processions would begin. The introductions of the teachers. All exuded a terrifying aura, even the non-magic teachers. Especially the one with the mask, Dex. The feast. The Magus ate quietly and quickly, a female student practically inhaling down the food made him lose his appetite quickly. He left the feast earlier than most. The acceptance letter he fished out of his pockets turned into a map, guiding him to his sanctuary- his personal dorm. He found his room quickly, the doors clicked open as soon as he stood in-front of it. Ixius raised an eyebrow curiously, [b][color=crimson]"Did it detect my magical signature?"[/color][/b] He said, [b][color=crimson]"For them to already know my magical signature... interesting."[/color][/b] [color=FFC0CB]"Welcome, Ixius Delthrane,"[/color] A voice spoke up, [color=FFC0CB]"This will be your dorm room for the foreseeable future. There is a bathroom in the door to your right that you and your roommate may share if you do not wish to use the public baths. While sleeping in the dorm room is not strictly required, sleeping in any non sanctioned area of the school is forbidden and may result in disciplinary action."[/color] [b][color=crimson]"Understood. What shall I call you?"[/color][/b] [color=FFC0CB]"Athena is fine"[/color] The voice replied. Ixius eyes shone curiously. Athena was quite something, even the acceptance letter had stringent counterfeit measures. He would pepper her with questions later on. He took in the room- personal beds, study desks, dressers and shelves. His eyes drifted to his belongings, it was sent a week in advance by the Librarium, at the insistence of his mentor. It wasn't much, mostly just clothing, books and scrolls, and other miscellaneous knick-knacks. He had simplistic material possessions, not really seeing the need for fashion over practicality and comfort. Ixius sauntered over to his table, unclasping the same tome he was reading on the carriage. A book about magical theory, [color=white]'Fundamentals of Rudimentary Teleportation'.[/color] He would unpack his belongings later. [/color]