All right here goes nothing. Are there people out there that are interested in a Fantasy RP with elements of ASOIAF/GOT, Lotr, Dark Crystal, Shadow and Bones? With which I mean medieval setting, potential families vs families/nations, mysteries and secrets, High magic set upon a world shaped like a Ring? Why the 18+? Well, the horrors of war mostly and anyone who's seen the Dark Crystal series knows the 'this can't be a kids show' elements. Not that that will feature heavily, but luck favours the prepared. If all this hasn't put you off please continue reading: "A Broken world was reformed. A Serpent defeated. A Sun was born. And a Raven burned for it." A lot of mystical nonsense spoken by dusty old mystics believing and reading too much into those mushroom dreams they kept having. Well someone had to pen down a reason for the world being as it is and what better to 'inspire' the simple man than to butter him up with fairy tales? After all the harsh truth is a more bitter pill to swallow. Those that have travelled Sphere will have a more nuanced vision of reality. They know that it isn't all sunshine and roses, but that those happy endings are hard won, by sweat and blood. Or more precisely by Magic and Steel. But those happy endings won't remain, already I hear of unrest brewing near the borders of several kingdoms. The scent of Blood is in the air and it almost seems like the world is waiting for something terrible to happen. You can almost sense it... -Lord Senroth Grenshaw Welcome to the world of Sphere, its mystical land filled with magic and strange creatures alike. So my hope is to jump with you into this world and create a nice adventure together, featuring wars, monsters and cataclysmic events. And maybe we'll find out whether the prophecy holds any truth to it.