Anastasia Leaned up against the column as she watched the others running away from her. No one seemed to even notice she was injured. Perhaps she should just stay here, bleed out. Then she could join the spirits that so desperately wanted her. She could hear them now, mocking her, laughing at her pain. She looked up to see one that was dressed in Egyptian rags. She looked up as the man stood in a distance from her, watching her with blackened eyes " weak, pathetic elf. " " Just die" " Die Die Die" She sighed heavily as she looked away trying to ignore the sounds of the spirits. The taunting voices pissed her off, she looked up at the one particular Egyptian man her eyes black as the night. " You do not command me, i command you!" she shouted angerly at it. She was interrupted by a red headed women who came to her side. Anastasia was taken aback by the attention. She didn't think anyone would have even realized that she was injured or not with the group of people that had taken off already. "Oh, I'm okay .. thanks. It is just a scratch" she said as she took a step her body limping as she held back the pain hiding it on her face. She would be damned if she would be known as the weak link in this party. When Mila called out for Adam she looked at the large golem " Oh no...really i'm-" she was interrupted by the mans large arm wrapping around her. She felt her legs lift off the ground floating as if she were a feather. Her head facing away from the Golems face she sighed heavily 'great' she thought ' this looks like a scene out of lord of the rings and i'm the hobbit...' she thought. She never really liked thous movies, she hated how the humans thought of her race. As they walked she looked over to see milas feet dangling and Adams 'rock hard' butt. She looked to the right away from all the action it was far to much for this sheepish elf to deal with in a day.