For those of you just joining the discussion or reading along, so far the current cast and considerations are… [@XxFellsingxX] playing a Behemoth Paladin [@Vertigo] Playing a Noctem Wizard [@Guardian Angel Haruki] playing a Wooden One Druid [@karamonnom] Playing a Zephyrite Monk [s][@Exit] Considering a Du’Eld![/s] Edit: [s][@Goldmarble] Showed interest in a Forge Cleric Human! Noffe is pleased![/s] [s]Anyone else who comes by to peruse should still PM me or say hi in the OOC, I might allow more than the 6 here- but it’s still a debate for me at this time.[/s] edit 2: [@Neianna86] Is a newbie and expressed interest to me, I'll be working with them to help them join us!