On an empty wall covered by a large Piece of dark gray slate a levitating piece of chalk begins to write. [B]"CARAVAN ATTACKED NORTH OF DUSKIN VILLAGE KING TO OFFER LARGE REWARD"[/B] [B]"DIOS CYCLIC KIDNAPPED AND SOON TO BE TURNED"[/B] [B]"STRANGE SPELLJAMMER FOUND IN ICE ATOP BALANDOR MOUNTAIN"[/B] "TENDER CUT OF PRIME RIB WITH OR WITHOUT STEAMED JASMINE RICE AND BABY CARROTS NOW Available WHILE SUSPPLIIES LAST 6 COPPER" The Chalk vanishes as quickly as it appears _______________________________ Bosk grins when the chalk's work is done and orders another double stout with Prime Rib, rice an carrots. [B]"The thing about the Lonely Inn is that you gotta gage your actions an desires"[/B] he says absent mindedly as he waits his order [B]"I've been here for the Copper a Tankard fest, Dragon Steak 1 silver and the Beraillin Heiress rescue, that fetched me 1,000 gold reward an a couple of interesting magical items. Yes you never know what that dam alert board will come up with next. Have to admit that I'm beginning to lean towards that Jammer Job"[/B] _______________________________ Esmeralda sighs as she notes the loss of the caravan as she had been expecting a visit from an interesting young woman who was traveling with it