The man’s sudden laughter made Raine blink in surprise but she had not further reaction, that's if you don't count the embarrassed flush that coated her cheeks. "Here. Give it to someone who really needs the extra help paying their taxes.” She stated and tossed the coin to him then quickly walked away from the stand before she could make a bigger fool of herself. That and she didn’t want to give people her fake name. Not yet, anyway; she wanted to stay under the radar for a little longer. [i]Never again will I ever do something like that...not even for information.[/i] She silently promised herself and slowly came to a stop as she tuned in to the noise around her, more specifically the man who had been yelling something about the Assassin's Guild. Could it be that he may know some information about her uncle...? Raine sighed as she mentally slapped herself. She'd been going after the wrong person this entire time and wasted a good thirty minutes, along with her dignity, along with it! The girl was beyond pissed now and knew the perfect subject to take her anger out on... After paying his taxes, the harold made his way down the street alone, mumbling more words to himself as he did so. He was so engrossed in his rambling that he did not notice the assassin waiting for him on the side of a building. She reached out and quickly pulled him into the shadows when no one was paying attention then roughly slammed him against the wall. By that time, Raine had put her cloak back on the right way but he chest armor was still sitting behind the trash cans in the other alley but she figured that she wouldn't need it with this guy. "What did you mean when you said that the town will meet its end?" She asked coldly and the harold put up his hands defensively. "I-I don't know what you-" His sentence was cut short as her dagger suddenly appeared at his neck. “I’ll ask you one more time before I start cutting your neck: What? Did? You? Mean?” The man visibly paled before finally deciding that it would be in his best interests to tell her what she wanted to hear. “Well I heard that the leader of the Assassin’s Guild was planning to take over this entire town and make it their own. They even control of the import, export and finances of the town as well. I bet the taxes will be even higher once that happens!” It was Raine’s turn to become pale now. [i]Is he planning to really take over this town? It sounds like it will become a monarchy…[/i] She thought and then pressed the dagger closer to the man’s neck, making him whimper softly in fear. “Has be done this with any other town?” The man shrugged his shoulders. “Look, I told you everything I know…so please, let me go.” He practically begged and Raine sighed a bit before releasing his shirt collar. “Go.” Was all she said before he scurried off, mumbling to himself once more, leaving the assassin to her thoughts. [i]I have to tell Flake…[/i] First, she had to get her armor. The girl put away her dagger before walking out from the alleyway. She was slightly surprised to see that the line leading to the tax collection booth was still pretty long but, thankfully, it kept that man distracted as she slipped pass him. Raine was nearing the trash can where she hid her armor when she suddenly got the feeling that she wasn’t alone. Slowly, she moved her hand so that it rested lightly on her dagger before speaking. “I don’t know who you are but you better make yourself visible in the next ten seconds or we’re going to have a problem here.” The assassin stated threateningly; she was ready to deflect any attack that came her way, if it came to that.