Celes slowly woke up in the morning, feeling refresh now. It had been days since she did not sleep in a real bed. She kept having to sleep in a god dang branch instead, and this was really annoying for her. She sighed and then slowly got up. She looks at Spruce that was still asleep. She then headed out and moved to the guild hall, before going to a window and looking outside, just staring. It was a rather peaceful day.... the sun was shining, the pidgeys were flying in the air. A brand new day full of potential. At least that what she was thinking. A good amount of other pokemons moved in the hall, going towards the mission board to see what they would do today. She waited on Spruce for that. They probably would find something soon. Though she was wondering what it would be anyway.Maybe she would learn a new attack move or something. At least that what she wished, cause at the moment tackle would not do much... sand attack.... nether. Baby doll eyes... God she only used that when she wanted to beg or try to charm someone into not attacking her. She sighed. Confuse ray. The move that was so weird for her. How come she was able to learn it, she did not know. Maybe one day she would figure it out... Maybe it's something with her nature. But no one else in the family as powers like those. She was special, she knew, but being special also had it's consequences. How many times did people just stared at her while she was staring at a distance, feeling something. She sighed.