Hello all! I am looking for a writing partner! I consider myself high casual to low advanced and am looking for someone similar. I've been bitten by the writing bug for a potential fantasy setting mystery/adventure that's open for plot ideas and exploration. I play a male characters although I have no problem playing females and can play multiple characters to help move the story along. Lately I was inspired by a song that could easily be translated to a rather interesting story to roleplay as a mystery for the Priest/Paladin/whatever holy themed character you wish to play. To figure out why a necromancer has been frequenting a small towns graveyard for the past fifty years and has not been driven out by the local church or authorities. The local priest of the light has passed away due to old age/sickness/we figure that part out and you are now here. I am preferring my writing partner to be female or to play a female as I have a small eye towards some romance in the plot. IF anyone has any interest feel free to drop me a PM.