The charms jangle lightly as the branch they are tied to is disturbed. It shakes slightly, dipping under the weight of the feline making it's way towards the end. Dipping lower and lower the branch threatens to break, but at just the right moment the feline leaps off to the top of an old brick wall not a foot beneath the rustling leaves. With slow lolloping grace Yu makes his way down the length of the wall, a happy little purr in the back of his throat. [i]'That was a good breakfast. I should remember that family, they seem very kind'[/i] He pauses to stretch languidly, the sun overhead already warming the rough brick beneath his paws. His moth stretches wide, revealing a full set of unnaturally white teeth for a cat. [i]'I wonder if they always have fish in the afternoon. I should check'[/i] Yu glances back the way he came and with a curl of his tail continues on his little trek. He's walked this path many times in the last few weeks. When he arrived in this town only a few months ago, the youkai was unsure if there would be any good places for him to get settled, however after a thorough search he at last found a part of town not completely taken of by human advancements. While he would never shun the city dwelling youkai, he himself prefers a more natural atmosphere. A ray of sunlight strikes his back and the white fur there seems to gleam brightly for an instant. The first youkai he met after arriving asked him how he received such a grievous injury, however Yu declined to say. The scar, so he keeps insisting to himself, is just a reminder at this point. A reminder to be cautious, and to never go too far in your trust to anyone. Still purring happily he crawls up a steep inline in the wall and at last arrives at his destination. The high stone archway running over one of the main thoroughfares between the suburbs and the center of the city is, in the cat's opinion, the best place to nap at mid day. Turning his eyes to the sky for a moment he listens closely as a faint breeze wisps by, ruffling his fur ever so slightly. His eyes close in concentration and deep inside his purr grounds to a halt. [i]'The whispers are harsh today. Something is coming'[/i] His eyes open slowly, the golden orbs returning to the earth below as a slight movement catches his attention. [i]'There he is again'[/i] Moving carefully to one edge, then across to the other as the young man passes beneath the arch, Yu keeps his eyes locked on the figure as it passes by. For over a week now Yu has taken to watching him carefully, the sometimes faint, sometimes obvious, signs of abuse and fighting having caught his attention. [i]'It's bad enough when humans go to war, but even in this peace, such violence towards one another. . .'[/i] His keen eyes pick out a couple new injuries on the boy and a pain runs through his chest. The warning whispers on the wind set his feet in motion and without much thought Yu begins following behind the boy, keeping high up and out of sight as he tracks him through town. The streets are busy at this hour, however the boy seems to pay them no heed. [i]'Always watching those little devices. I wonder if any humans look at the world around them any more'[/i] As the young brunet enters an area with less people about Yu risks getting a little closer, following just out of sight of the boy's periphery, not knowing that there is no periphery to hide behind from this side. The wind floats past again, it's warning louder this time making Yu's fur stand on end. [i]'Trouble'[/i]