[quote=Jannah] No, no. You have it all wrong. Sheogorath for president. If I was American he'd get my vote. [/quote] CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!!! I'm a conservative quasi-Minarchist. I think the only thing the federal government should be funding is police, military, and scientific research, especially in the fields of exploration and of course, to research military technology. My stance on: -Gay Marriage = I believe the government should stay out of marriage issues. Thus, I'm technically for 'Gay Marriage'. -Abortion = Probably my strongest political position; I do believe America is unacceptably lenient towards abortion. In general, I will vote for anyone proposing laws designed to restrict and limit abortions. -Drugs: I'm not particularly against /weed/ specifically, but I do believe that the sale of at least some drugs (meth and cocaine come to mind) to be criminal. Drugs are an agent of oppression, and I believe that with proper allocation of resources and police vigilance, we can limit the sale of these drugs down to more acceptable levels. -Military involvement: US interventionism (America as global military police) is, in my opinion, not inherently a fallacy. The problem, however, is that in order to pull off global police, there has to be a global mafia. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there is simply no large threat to the entire world. However, this will not be the case for very long. Super powers will always exist, and the cold war was not the last global conflict. As such, I propose America begins to ship its military out of places clearly able to defend themselves (Who's going to invade Europe?) but keep a certain amount in high-risk areas, namely Israel and South Korea, to discourage an invasion by their enemies. We'll keep a large amount simply in reserve to prepare for another military rival to arrive. -Gun Control: I have 3 criteria for if a weapon should be legal: 1. Is it non-lethal? (Pepper Spray would be 'yes', a knife would be 'no') 2. Is it being issued to your local, state, or federal police force? 3. Does it have a low-risk for collateral damage? (A rifle would be 'yes', a flamethrower would be 'no') If you can say "yes" to any of these questions-especially number 2-then I believe that weapon has to be legal for civilian ownership.