Characters look awesome, everyone! It inspired me to add a "Fight Theme" and an "Edge of Death Theme" for each of my characters XD. Also, Dizzy, one idea for a power-up for Origami later on is using her control over paper to reach down into the base materials to learn how to control wood. You could eventually get a Baby Groot variant as a sidekick, haha. I dunno, just ideas. I'm also a "little" high right now XD. Anyway, I'm working on my bios and final images now, then I'll delve into the opening IC post. To give you guys a heads up how I'm opening it, it will essentially be like this: 1: Flashback to ten years ago when America first got her powers and encountered Teddy and Loki. 2: Flashback to one week ago when the Sentinels kidnapped each of them. 3: Present day, when the characters are being thawed out in preparation for the Inquisitor's arrival. In each of your opening posts, feel free to write your encounter with America ten years ago as well. It just needs to be something simple, like you bumped into her briefly in a shopping mall or brushed past her in a crowded festival. In the case of Martin, given that he would still be an infant ten years ago, it could just be that America was passing by in a park and took a second to tell whoever was with Martin that they had a cute baby and pinched his cheeks. After we each do our opening posts, I'll then have Doctor Strange break into the ship to free them. We'll have a bit of a chase sequence, and then we'll take the story to the alternate fantasy Earth and develop it from there.