I woke up thanks to the sunlight coming in through the window in my room, however, I wasn't feeling all too great thanks to that nightmare waking me up in the middle of the night. [i]Ugh... I need some sort of energy boost... it's as if I can't sleep because it's too bright, but I can't really open my eyes thanks to that... really weird nightmare.[/i] I think as I tiredly walk out of my room and towards my other teammates. It seems as though Kamina was the only one who slept in longer than me, as almost everyone else was already wide awake and chatting it up with their fellow guildmates. "Hello... um... you." I say to the magnemite who seems somewhat affiliated with us, yet hasn't officially joined. I then look around for Celes, but end up finding some weird, green pokemon carrying a bucket containing another pokemon. [i]I wonder if that bucket pokemon wants to join... well, if he does, then he'll have to find some other team... either that, or make one.[/i] I ponder for a moment as I walk over towards the boards, both of which were nearly void of any kind of missions... today really wasn't turning out to be my day, now was it? Arnold wasn't in his normal spot, and seemed to be heading out towards the guild's roof, for some reason. He had a bag filled with something or another, as well as one of those weird human tools... this one was black, and shaped somewhat like a lollipop. Said device was made of that same metal that humans seemed to use for nearly everything, I swear that if humans still existed, they'd be steel-types with how much metal they use. Apparently, some porygon called 'Davis' or something figured out that humans used to use that device for cooking... was Wally going to cook something on the roof? Why, though? Wouldn't he need a fire-type? Curious, I followed him outside, only to notice that it was blazing hot outside, a fire-type's dream. I could almost feel MYSELF cooking in this heat... so... I guess he won't be needing that fire-type, then.