BOSK The man named Aethelred asked Bosk why he was at the Lonely Inn which brought from the Dwarf a hardy chuckle [B]"Fine food, fine company and the tote board yonder.[/B] says Bosk pointing towards the dark gray slate on the wall. [B]"It is the board of adventures an fine dining, what more could a man ask?[/B] ________________________________ CARAVAN In the Distance could be heard the sound of thunder but rather than an approaching storm of the elements this thunder flew the Banners of Hamilcar. 20 horse light lance swept ahead of 4 heavy knights followed by 30 mounted archers. They quickly began rolling up the irregular troops that had assailed the Caravan. The Enemy began to take flight before the 50+ who had appeared their ill gotten booty an captives dropped so they could escape the onslaught. The goblins around Assallya angry that they must escape without her turn and fire their bows at nearly point blank range intending to kill her. Between her and her foes the air shimmers as the arrows encounter a shield. [IMG][/IMG] A beautiful young human Sorceress appears beside the wounded Assallya who quotes a simple magical command that causes the lovely necklace around her dove white throat to erupt and fire 5 magic Missiles at the Murdering Goblins [B]"Hello, I do hope you don't mind my intrusion? I am Cassandra LeMont of Farland[/B] she says as cheerfully as if they'd just met at the stalls of some Bazzar.