[hr][color=8f99fb][sup][h1] [center][img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/558670401048412183/971235217543143464/9E8AC57A-00B0-42D4-AD8B-1BC5BECAC542.png[/img][/center] [b][center][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=8f99fb][I][sub]The Luncheon[/sub][/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=8f99fb][sub][b]Mood:[/b] [i]Observantly Bored[/i][/sub][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr][hr][right][b][sub][sub][color=8f99fb]Interactions: N/A[/color][/sub][/sub][/b][/right] [color=lavender]Ares arriving at their little gathering was literally enough by itself for a glass in her personal game but it deserved another one in its entirety the moment her half brother took the time to acknowledge her presence. She quickly turned away from him, looking at the table cloth like it was the most interesting thing in existence as she sat completely frozen in full blown panic, terror sinking into her veins like fridged ice. She silently hoped that someone had given her enough luck today to make him leave her be while her knuckles went white from the tight grip on the stem of her glass. It took a few minutes to calm herself, let her muscles relax once she realized by some miracle he wasn’t approaching her since harassing her seemed to be an amusement for him or at least in her view that is what he was doing. That or he was incredibly dense and didn’t realize just how much being near him just set her off kilter. Pasi threw back the current glass in her hand as if it were a shot, noting that she racked up the need for one more before letting her eyes scan over the room, starting to count some more as she did. It hadn’t even been that long and so much drama was unfolding before her very eyes or had already popped up in one way or another.[/color] [i]’Mother giving gifts is usually enough to get some riled but that one I can probably slide since it isn't definite. Oh no, Hebe and Herc just entered together which means…yup, right on schedule, Mother is already headed over and that combo never goes well. Guess that means we are up to two needed glasses. Let’s see…oh? Well, doesn’t Tlaz look delightfully out of sorts which can only mean one thing. Should I take off glasses if I can guess who her wrath is aimed at? Naw, too easy. Hope she rips him a new one but I’ll have to remember to check on her later, poor gal looks like she needs some pampering…wait, Hati? What on earth are you up to? You know what, I saw nothing.’[/i] [color=lavender]With that thought in mind, Pasi slowly made her way over to the closest waiter that was coming in with the restock of fresh flutes but she happily plucked the tray up from their hands, causing them to look a little startled.[/color][COLOR=8f99fb] “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of these and you should have a break. The staff has been working so hard, I think a little time for yourself won’t cause too much harm. I promise you won’t get in trouble and I’ll even put in a good word with my Mother about your excellent service.”[/color][color=lavender], she said with a dazzling grin and waiting to see if she would need to use her aura but the waiter seemed to gratefully agree, not wanting to put up a fight with the guests and actually seeming to not want to be here anymore than she did. She carefully sat back down, feeling rather proud of herself for making it there without tripping over her own feet before taking one of the flutes. Her eyes scoped the room again, deep down hoping she hadn’t missed anything with the little excursion from her table but if she had then it certainly wasn’t her fault. As the time passed, four empty flutes were next to the silver tray she had swiped with three more sitting in the wings in case something new occurred. Honestly, she couldn’t wait for more to kick off even if it was some miserable event/party plan her Mother cooked up or just getting to the eating of finger sandwiches since this was boring her to death. She thought the game would make it more fun but being alone just wasn’t as enticing as she had anticipated. Speaking of enticing, Hati must have heard her thoughts on being bored because it seems Madness was about to meet up with Fear, all for some clever Wolf's amusement. [/color]’[i]Guess that means one more glass for me since those two can’t help but toss insults with their playful banter. I’m pretty sure they actually like each other still but insults are insults so here we go![/i] [color=lavender]Pasi thought, snagging one of the remaining three glasses and starting in on it. The role of solo observer was a bit lackluster so she started to debate on who she could rope into her game. Her father was a good choice as always when it came to anything with competition mixed with liquor, maybe Herc since he could care less if her mother’s party didn’t stay perfect but with Hebe nearby that could possibly not work, Hath was usually a good choice if her father was competing but it seemed she was preoccupied currently, actually a few key choices were a bit busy but Hati might be a good one to convince as he was better at snagging people into doing activities than she was.[/color] ’[i]Hm, so many choices though some are far more tempting than others.[/i]’[color=lavender]. She finished off her flute, adding it to the growing pile before walking with determination towards the bar but slowing the closer she got as her timid nature bubbled up. She wondered what she was going to say and she also didn’t want to be rude and interrupt them if they were having a decent conversation. It eventually led to her shyly standing behind the trio, shuffling her feet a bit as she tried to think of something not completely awkward to say. She couldn’t just blurt out, do you wanna play a game? Right? Yeah, that would be too creepy.[/color]