[quote=@Mae] I've been craving some light hearted blast from the past, not trying to be anything other then it is rp recently. Bonus points if it does end up Isekai. So tentative interest from me! I'll probably play good-hearted but dim oaf or a over the top kingmaker type character, if another player is down to have a loyal but goofy companion. [/quote] >[i]I really need to sub to my own posts...[/i] >Anyway! I'm thinking it could either be a mix, so like we have veteran heroes or villains who were isekai'd doing things alongside people from a traditional fantasy land world, or just straight up isekai. I've got a worldmap ready either way, though the lore will literally whatever we decide to write for any given location. >And as for myself, I'm thinking an edgy looking swordsman who's got an aversion to brooding in dark corners in a room.