I've always wanted to write a story. Well, I certainly "did" when I was young. Jokes and fighting, derivitive of games. But eventually I hit a wall when trying to evolve. It's been over a decade since then but the ghost of writing still haunts me to this day, it lingers over my shoulder as I type this even now. Back when I was a teen I did do some roleplaying, though I don't suppose I was ever good at it. Either I got too excited and "godmodded", telling a story with everyone's characters, or the opposite problem occurred--much like in conversations, I don't know what to say so I do not advance any sense of plot forward and nothing happens. But I need to learn to do these things. I have to. The number #1 writing advice I hear is to just do it. Which is complete gobbledegook to my ears, because how does one know how to write without know what it is they are writing? And yet... I get it. Everything we do is born and maintained by habit, and write now I've only written notes of dialogue and ideas, so I've got years and years of dead creative weight on my shoulders holding me back from developing a healthy routine of creativity. My only answer to this is to seek help and/or find boxes such as writing prompts. I am hoping somehow, someway I can awkwardly fumble my way into being a writer by committing the act of writing until I can just... do it. It has occurred to me that roleplaying may be one such an avenue, though I am very trepidatious. Roleplay is its own art, one which I never really knew, so I will have to learn the acroynyms and the common rules and so forth. If there is a place for me to soak that in, or a place for me to slowly dip my feet into this pool of spontaneity and improvisation, I would appreciate any directions or help! And also I would be thankful for any understanding for my shortcomings, provided I follow through here on this site, for I've signed up for things in the hopes of helping me self improve, only to display a disappearing act the next moment.