[b]Name:[/b] Alxendriel [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Gender:[/b] None [b]Race:[/b] Sword [b]Appearance:[/b] Looks like [url=http://www.king-cart.com/store/oknight/AngeNoir_Handle_19_goldonsilver.JPG]this[/url] but with a golden blade and a red gem near where the handle meets the blade. [b]Personality:[/b] Being an artificial spirit infused into the sword by way of the gem, it actually has somewhat of a personality, which can only be found out upon wielding it and it chooses to speak into the wielder's mind if it finds them worthy of wielding it. It's personality slowly changes to match the wielder if it's not careful and tries to cut itself off mentally from them should it not like the wielder. If the emotions of the wielder are strong enough then it has extreme trouble resisting the urge, especially if the sword "tastes" lots of blood. Under normal circumstances it usually has a determined and regal tone in it's voice. If wielded by someone of less noble intentions it sounds sort of frightened and tries to keep people from using it for evil purposes by using persuasion, but having no control over it's actions this depends on how willing the wielder is to listen. If it takes on the wielders personality it's hard to return back to it's neutral personality without being wielded by someone very skilled at calming it back down. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] It doesn't dull so can be kept at maximum sharpness without negative effects, and it is virtually indestructible. The cutting power depends on the wielder, but it's cutting potential is extremely high. The gem on the hilt is only as powerful as crystal, being the obvious weak point, but it does have a strong resistance to magic so must be physically hit to shatter. Shatter it and the blade itself will begin to show cracks that run down the blade, further and deeper, until it completely shatters within 1 minute even if not receiving any major hits. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Power Link-[/b] This is difficult to pull off and requires both wielder and sword to be completely in sync with one another. The wielder and sword can then exchange physical qualities, making the wielder virtually indestructible but more then likely making the sword much weaker. The wielder has to keep a grip on the sword the entire time, and if the sword is destroyed then the link obviously fails and the wielder is put into a state of extreme mental shock for a around 3 seconds afterwards, making them have a powerful headache and confusion. They won't return completely to normal for a good 10 seconds in the best of circumstances. [b]Re-forge-[/b] It can be re-forged if destroyed, but this is a difficult process known only by a sacred blacksmith who has the right materials and a whole lot of free time to devote to such a task. Every last shard of the soul crystal must be accounted for in order to stand any chance of success. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Created to combat a great evil, it's soul is designed to bridge the gap between the hero and his weapon.