[center][b]Grimri "Ironclad" Haldengard[/b][/center] A crewman was on his knees, hammering away at a traitor with the butt end of a lasgun. The power pack had been yanked off mid-fight, Grimri having seen the struggle out of the corner of his eye. The lad couldn't shoot the gun anymore, so the lad did what he could and laid into the cultist with abandon, bludgeoning him into oblivion. That was twenty minutes ago. Grimi had killed six bastards in the time it took for him to turn around and see the same traumatized crew member still wailing on the pulped corpse of the enemy. Grimri grabbed the rifle when it was next pulled back, and when the entranced crewman struggled, the squat slapped him and sent him to the ground. Not gently, but not too hard either. He had to knock a bit of sense into the boy while he still could. Idly, he tossed the lasgun to the side and retrieved his shotgun, reloading casually as he looked around. Something in the atmosphere had changed... he could tell they were no longer in the warp. He felt dizzy and disoriented, like a bad hangover with a light buzz. He could only imagine how it felt to normal men. Minutes later, Grimri stepped onto the bridge. He had done little to clean himself, still covered in grime and blood and some other liquid he didn't want to guess. His beard was wild but his eyes were hard set. The lass Agathe was there, though her retainers weren't floating around her anymore. "Nice scrap." Grimri remarked once she was done speaking. He had arrived just a few seconds behind her, not looking much better in the aspect of cleanliness. To be fair, he was less clean than she [i]before[/i] they had engaged in battle and dismembered screaming men, so that was something. "The fact ye want me here and not helping yer team sweep the ship with the flamers shows me ye got something important on yer mind, sir." Grimri wasn't stupid or blind, even if, at the end of the day, he was just specialized muscle and the garbageman. The squat looked around, wondering where the rest of the team was. Were they all dead? "Where's the ratling fuck?"