As Traben's hands moved about Assallya's body, he couldn't help but notice that there was very little of her that he could not see. Her arms and legs were shrouded in a loose black fish-netting sewn into a slender brassiere and a thong. He didn't have to cut away any material, not with her midriff bared. The arrow had impacted only an inch from her navel, a navel with an oval of polished obsidian within. She whimpered as he worked. She was not one for experiencing gratuitous pain. Little did she know that he could simply have cut the arrowhead free with a hot knife instead of pushing it through the other half of her body or she would have been cursing up a storm. "Oh, set fire to Lolth's webs," Assallya complained, "I am going to partake of the dream weed heavily this eve." She had a pair of healing potions inside the wagon, but she wasn't going to waste the coin on such. Her ring of regenration would have her healed in a few hours. She may be complaining and whining... but money was money. She could put up with the pain for a short while if she simply had to. "You have my thanks ranger," she said, gazing up at him with her azure blue eyes from an porcelain skinned face that was far paler than it usually was. She had kohl brushed eyelids and her eyes were rimmed thickly, making them look larger than they were and her body was covered in inexpensive, flashy, jewelry. A half dozen anklets and bracelets adorned her limbs, as well as a number of rings on fingers and toes. Her hair had been arranged neatly, held in place by lacquered wooden sticks topped with brass spheres but half of it had managed to pull itself loose and had tumbled over one slender shoulder in a disheveled manner that made her look both more attractive and vulnerable simultaneously.