>Or, rather, what [i]is[/i] the draw? I have some guesses already, from it being a more detailed and freeform way to flesh out your nation/polity, to exploring certain ideas but in relation to others. My question at that point though is one, why not just play an empire building game? And two, why not just worldbuild a whole nation from said game or from scratch? You can worry about the exact setting later after all, or not at all if it's largely inconsequential or not the main focus, or already taken care of in the case of a grand strategy game. >Finally, I don't bring this up out of a desire to change people's role-playing habits, merely to understand what the draw to NRP is specifically when other equally viable alternatives exist - beyond the obvious answer of, "because I wanted to," of course. >Because one can use that for literally anything from serial killing to baking. >I want to understand the reasoning behind the choice in other words. The reasoning behind the draw.