[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220830/85a6e2cb9091dba9ad5e90c4a6974ace.png[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkuhA7mX0AEKBk4.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] The sky was a clear blue and soft yellow light shimmered across the water as the two people sat in contrast to one another in the enclosed meadow. Their handcrafted Victorian seats stood out amongst the lush green grass and trees. Birds sang songs of love and squirrels amongst other woodland creatures ran free around the pair whilst they were locked in conversation. This was hell. He had finally died for his sins and been cast in the cold flames of Helheim. [color=DCC4FB]“I hear the band will be throwing a party tonight, that sounds like it could be all kinds of fun!”[/color] The [url=https://www.bellazon.com/main/uploads/monthly_2021_04/331296872_MelissanthiMahut.jpg.1c481e990814353bf46d469049b9055d.jpg]regal looking woman[/url] sat on her throne by the sun kissed lake looking upon the sullen face of her charge. [color=DCC4FB]“If I was a student again, I would absolutely come out to see you guys rock out!”[/color] Making the devil horns with her hands, the stunning elder closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue. Shepard tilted his head as she attempted to bond. She always attempted to bond. He missed his old therapist, at least he had an edge about him before his untimely demise. Dr Daphne Menounos was too sweet, too warm, too much. She tried way too hard. One wouldn’t think to look at her that she happened to be a hero of the highest regard. Daph wasn’t up there with the Bechtel 8, especially since the core of her powers lend themselves to a far more supportive role but she was fantastic at what she did. The only reason that Shep even entertained these therapy sessions with her was because Daphne was a good friend of his late mother. Martina Frasier had a tendency to force her husband into talks with the good doctor whenever he returned from a mission; Allistair hated them just as much as his son. [color=838288]”You’re a fucking idiot”[/color] Daphne’s face curled into a rye smile as she reached for the tumbler on the nearby table. [color=DCC4FB]”Shepard darling, I’ll tell you what I used to tell your father. Please refrain from the foul language or I’ll make you forget who you are and leave you a babbling mess in a bowling alley”[/color] Behind the beguiling beauty, Daphne was massively calculating, deceptively clever and dangerously cruel. Once upon a time, the woman was known as Oneiros; the mistress of dreams. Daphne was only a child when she had her first precognitive dream and a teen when she began to control the dreams of others. At first it was all fun and games until she witnessed her mother die. She thought she was helping by putting her into an easy sleep, she didn’t realise that it would be the sleep that killed her. After a brief stint as a super villain, Daphne reformed and began working as a hero before finally settling into a role as a therapist at Crystal Peak. [color=838288]”Sorry”[/color] A word Shepard rarely said, if at all. It was always days like today that he pined for his home in the Scottish Highlands. Not so much his actual home because that sucked and he wanted to burn the place to the ground but the wilderness. Shep found solace in the woods, alone, with no noise other than what he made himself. Whenever he needed to decompress, he could grab his guitar and climb a short Fell Mountain until he was happy then just sit and strum. Paradise. He was trying to make it work at Crystal Peak. He had joined the music club and was in the best band in town, he had hooked up with some cute guys and some hot girls, he was doing his best to fulfil his mothers wish of being a normal kid…Well as normal as a kid with massively dangerous superpowers could be. Finishing her water, Daphne placed the glass back onto the table and looked at the sun slowly descending to the right of them and the womanly figure standing out in the centre of the water. Their session was nearing its end. [color=DCC4FB]”Have you thought much about your mother recently?”[/color] Shepard cracked the knuckles of his left hand, swiftly followed by the crack of his neck, a bad habit. [color=838288]”Freshers week is always the worst. It just reminds me of when she died and I had to enroll here two days later.”[/color] He’d been doing these sessions for a few years now and every so often there was a breakthrough or a breakdown. Shep was a mess of a human being. He knew that. Everybody else knew that. It was just one of life’s great certainties. Shepard Frasier was a lunatic. [color=DCC4FB]”Grieving takes many forms, Shepard. It seems yours has yet to fully take shape”[/color] The good doctor looked at the figure in the lake again before returning her soft gaze and full attention to the uncomfortable looking Scotsman. [color=DCC4FB]”Same time next week okay?”[/color] Daphne raised her index finger and made a single circle motion. The world around them began to melt, the sky dissolved into sand like water running down a painting and in mere moments they were shrouded in black. Shepard opened his eyes and found himself in his room, which was littered with boxes that he had yet to unpack. He swung his feet off the bed and used his palms to push himself upright. He glanced at the clock on the wall and let out a great sigh. [color=838288]”FUCK MY FUCKINH LIFE!”[/color] Shep had promised Krista that he would swing by the music stall at the fair. Why did he say this? He hates all people. Everyone. Even that kid at the back who eats his own snot. Yeah, especially him. Why the fuck did he agree to this? Cos Krista that’s why. Fucking Krista. Slipping into his leather jacket and picking up his 1965 Fender Telecaster, Shep braces himself for the chaos that was outside his dorm room door. He hated Freshers. Placing his headphones over his ears, they began playing [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n2_X4VTCoEo]“Roadhouse Blues by The Doors”[/url] a song Shepard had been trying to get EOE to incorporate into their new set. Jim Morrison was a genius and Shep had been working on a new riff that would slide easily into the piece. With his guitar over his shoulder, Shep made his way through a sea of students and he really didn’t want to have to deal with them all. Part of him wanted to find the one with the most dangerous power, supercharge them and blow them all to hell but he wouldn’t do it; they talked about why in therapy. After what felt like an eternity and in a place where time travel was as common as dog shit on a shoe, Shepard finally reached the music club stall where he could already see Krista trying to tackle anyone and everyone. He pulled his headphones down around his neck and let his dark green eyes follow her frantic movements. [color=838288]”You’re desperation is showing, K”[/color]