[center] [b][COLOR=#31EAFE][h1]Fiona MacConnell[/h1][/COLOR][/b] [/center] Morning had brought a hangover with it, but that wasn't exactly something Fiona was unfamiliar with. Coffee, breakfast, and aspirin helped her feel like a human being again by the time the message to meet at Hyacinth Tower, which she responded to with a groan. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Och, ye've gotta be fuckin' me..."[/COLOR][/b] Fiona planted her head onto her kitchen table in resignation. She already hadn't exactly been looking forward to doing the opening ceremony hung over, but considering that was how she'd done it two years in a row already, that was to be expected at this point. Her phone pinged again at that moment, and she lifted her head slightly to stare at the news alert that said opening ceremony had been cancelled. Only an idiot wouldn't have been able to connect the dots. Whatever the Chairman wanted now, it was important enough to cancel the entire ceremony for. That was...almost unheard of, really. Great. Just great. That meant she actually had to attend this meeting instead of skipping out. With another irritated groan, Fiona forced herself out of her seat and started trudging across her house towards the addition she affectionately referred to as the Birdcage. Functionally, it was a large second building she'd had built attached to her existing house to contain all her Pokemon in. As befitting housing for Flying types, there were multiple exits built into the roof for her Pokemon to fly in and out of as they saw fit, allowing them to go out hunting in the nearby woods for food should they wish it. Fortunately, it seemed that whatever hunting any of her Pokemon did had already been finished by the time she walked in, as her entire lineup was gathered around the massive 4k TV installed on the far wall. It seemed that the League opening cancellation had already made the morning news. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Gooood morning, motherfuckers!"[/COLOR][/b] Fiona shouted out, her assorted Flying-types turning to her with cries and greetings. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Well, looks like ye've all seen th' headlines. Bad news is, I'm gettin' called into th' office. Whatever this shite is, it's probably important. So looks like we're gonna go wit' a full team."[/COLOR][/b] She fished out six empty Pokeballs, gesturing towards her main team. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Aye, pile in. Except fer..."[/COLOR][/b] Fiona looked her squad over, trying to decide who she wanted as her ride to Wyndon today. Well, she only really had three choices that could bear a human, and one of them wasn't on her primary team. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Raptor got two turns last night, so yer up, Felon."[/COLOR][/b] The Salamence nodded and roared as the remaining five members of Fiona's team were sucked into their balls, lowering his body to allow Fiona to clamber on. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Right, we're off. Rest of ya got free reign about tha house."[/COLOR][/b] With that, the remainder of Fiona's menagerie started to separate, some staying to watch more television while others flew off themselves. With a pat of Felon's neck, they were off. ___ At the meeting, once the news broke, Fiona leaned back in her admittedly very comfy seat with a groan. What a goddamn shitshow this was. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"Gonna play Darkrai's advocate here fer a sec, bossman. Yer absolutely sure Ryker got his arse kidnapped? He don't just have a messy apartment an' he stepped out fer a bit? Because, every offense intended to 'em, I'm surprised some of yer assistants're able tae dress themselves in th' morning."[/COLOR][/b] She popped open a water bottle and took a few swigs before continuing. [b][COLOR=#31EAFE]"That bein' said, if th' coppers're sure, what's yer plan? Please tell me it doesn't involve us spinnin' our wheels here, dicks in our hands doin' nothing."[/COLOR][/b]