[quote=Jorick] Very much a whole other debate, and one not worth bringing up in this thread even if we were both wide awake. I think I can provide some insight on some of these."From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a fairly well known Marxist saying, though also used in broader socialist and communist contexts. It means that those who can provide assistance to the needy (such as the rich and the able bodied) should do so, and extra resources taken from or created by these people should be given to those who need it (such as the poor and the disabled) rather than remaining in the hands of those who already have enough.The land as a commodity thing seems to be talking about another communist concept, that land should not be privately owned but rather owned collectively by everyone and for the benefit of everyone. It's definitely one of the murkier questions though, as you could get into some philosophical and economic issues if you wanted to dig deep enough, like is there really any philosophical justification for private ownership of any property or questions of how a zero-sum commodity like land ought to be managed and can it even be done in an equitable way. I would guess that it's just asking about the communist perspective of things though, given the nature of the quiz.You already seem to understand the free market restrictions question.I'm not sure of that prime purpose of education question myself, so I'm no help there.You also seem to get the charity question. I chose to view it on a broader scale, as whether voluntary donation or government mandated assistance was better for those in need of such aid, so I also went with the strong disagreement on that one because charity is so very unreliable. [/quote] -Marxism Quote I see, that's where I stand a bit uneasy on. I don't think outright taking someone's possessions away and giving to the poor is the right course of actions (Though honestly, those people should be helping out the less fortunate more. Even if not for any moral reason but rather to help make more people productive members of society, essentially creative a better society overall). But I am in support of higher taxes for the rich who can afford it, rather than the poor who usually need every dollar they have just to get by. But there already was a separate question on taxing the rich, so I assume for this question specifically I'd say "disagree" if I were to do the quiz a third time. -Land Commodity It being purely from a communist sense doesn't surprise me. This just seems like a poor question though cause of how complicated this issue can get.