Helena looked around cautiously as she got off the boat, so many duelists… As to be expected, but just the sight of the crowd made her want to just blend in and escape the moment she had a chance. “Hey, come on now… You won’t have to be in this crowd for long.” The voice of her partner, Chosen of the Celtic Guard, spoke up. He was standing beside her, giving her a reassuring smile. Whether others could see him wasn’t much concern to the elven spirit, as his only concern was making sure Helena didn’t have a panic attack. “Let’s just keep up with everyone, you can disappear once you have a room.” To that, Helena just gave a quiet. “Ok…” - The speech and explanation of the academy and rules took longer than Helena would’ve like. And after she got her equipment, and an “encouraging” message about needing supervision should she decide to duel, Helena made a break for her dorm room. The Slifer dorms were definitely… Rustic. The results of the being at the bottom of the ladder, not that she was complaining. “102… 102… 102.” She eventually found the door and was about to open it before remembering the radar on her PDA. She fiddled around with it for a minute before figuring out how to turn it off for herself, Chosen looking over her shoulder curiously as she did. “You know you’ll have to duel at some point…” he said before vanishing as Helena opened the door. She was immediately stopped in her tracks at the sight. Her roommate, presumably, was humming to herself as she hung up little paper dolls around the room. Spooky goat spirits floated about, moving past and through the dolls, creating a rather mesmerizing sight to behold. Helena would’ve been freaked out if she wasn’t familiar with spirits. The girl eventually noticed her and panicked in spectacular fashion, causing her to fall from the bunk bed she was using to hang her ornaments. “Wh-Wha-, Who! No, why! Why are you here!?” The girl demanded in a panicky tone. “Wow… You really spooked her, ironic given the Scapeghosts…” Chosen said, appearing beside Helena. Taken aback a little by the girl’s panic. Helena thought of an appropriate response. “I… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you… I’m uh… I’m your roommate.” She said, bowing her head a little.