[hider=Osvald V. Vanstein] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231110/36e32c489d4ed4f1717e598167ac2924.png[/img][/center] [sub][center][b]Game Origin:[/b] [i]Octopath Traveler II for Nintendo Switch, Ps4 and Ps5[/i][/center][/sub][hr] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/octopath-traveler/images/e/e0/Osvald_Artwork_Scrutinize.png[/img][/center] [hr][b]Personality:[/b] [i]Often times Osvald could be described by his peers as a brilliant yet aloof man, whose focus upon the pursuit of knowledge outweighed all other aspects of his life. Osvald is more often than not a man of few words when he has no reason to speak, or to simply not speak at all. Though Osvald enjoys debates and discussing opinions, he finds some conversations a waste of time. Osvald is quite the astute gentleman, but he is more often consumed by his thoughts than he would like. His approach to things that require thought is thorough and methodical, not one to gloss over any detail he can scrutinize. Though the Scholar can come off as a bit too gruff and serious beneath that hard exterior is a kind hearted man. Yet the trauma of past events in his life, of loss and the mistreatment he suffered for years after effect him greatly. He has no qualms taking from others what he sees fit or to take back what he views as his. It's not clear whether his state of mental health is a sign of something more serious, he often suffers from dreams of a tragedy he keeps to himself. Not one to bother others with his goals but willing to work with others as even though he doesn't understand most people he values the conpany of those who share common interest. Osvald is a mathematical genius in his scope of field, as it gave him insight into quantifying his formula of the One True Magic yet as much as he understood numbers in an equation he has more a lack of understanding of emotions like love yet he still feels it strongly for his family, especially his daugther Elena.[/i] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Once a renowned scholar who lived happily in his home near the sea, with a loving wife and a daughter Osvald cherished above all things even his own work. He had everything he had wanted, until he met one man who would change it all...Harvey... He met his soon-to-be research partner when attending a lecture in a city away from home interested in the man's own approach to Gratton's hypothesis of the One True Magic they shared their work. At first Osvald came to admire Harvey's intellect unaware of his true intentions... You see Osvald's approach to Gratton's hypothesis of the Seventh so-called magic would actually prove to be a leap in the field of magic. Nobody had figured out yet that using the elements could be boiled down to such things as equations. No one except Harvey, the man who took everything from him. Osvald came home to a house smouldering, without sign of his wife or child nor their call as he shouted desperately for them except the cruel laughter of the man he had once admired. Harvey took his life's work, and the things he cherished most all to claim the discovery of the One True Magic all for himself. Osvald found himself being bound in chains by the towns authorities, who later would claim that only he was present at the scene of the crime and the only one with the ability to set his home ablaze Osvald was found guilty of murdering his family via magic at the order of the court receiving a life sentence that he would serve far away in the frigid north upon an island prison camp to the far north. Muzzled like a dog, and forced to toil in the mines at the hands of cruel jailers. The prisoners of Frigit Isle were put to work in inhospitable conditions, many would die either from the cold or at the hands of the men watching them. He suffered for years, enduring the beatings, the whipping, the abuse...Not even the freezing cold could extinguish the raging fire in his breast.[/i] [b]In the Now:[/b] [i][/i] [hr] [b]Specialty:[/b] [i][b]Scholar:[/b] as a scholar Osvald is a master of magic and can use his magical abilites to great effect with his spells but works better at a range rather than in the center of all the fighting.[/i] [b]Level:[/b] [color=gray][i]2[/i][/color] [b]Experience:[/b] [color=gray][i]15/20 EXP[/i][/color] [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Fireball:[/b] [i]Fireball is a spell that deals fire damage to all enemies in a group when cast. Highly effective against large groups of enemies, but less effective when cast upon singular targets as the spell is more potent the more enemies there are in a group.[/i] [sup][color=gray](Starting Power)[/color] [/sup][sup][color=gray]Power Level:[/color] 1[/sup] [*] [b]BP:[/b] [i]Osvald gains BP or Boost Points via combat, by blocking attacks. A max of 5 BP can be stored in total, and used to increase the power of attacks and spells in this regard Osvald's magic is intensified and strikes enemies an amount of times BP is spent as well as the number of physical attacks made.[/i] [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Scholar of the Six Magics:[/b] [i]Osvald is a renowned scholar, applying his skills with the elements and his own mathematical formulae to amplify and strengthen the cause and effect of all spells, with this he can effectively use most powers he gains if they are magical in nature. All elemental based spells and attacks Osvald uses deal significantly more damage. (Fire, Cold, Wind, Lightning, Light and Dark.)[/i] [*] [b]Intellectual Pursuit:[/b] [i]As a mage and a scholar, Osvald is better equipped to deal with enemies and their weaknesses, upon entering a fight he can make out at least one random weakness from each enemy.[/i] [*] [b]Scholarly Aptitude:[/b] [i]Though Osvald may be a magical scholar, he is no slouch when it comes to combat, he is proficient with staves as blunt weapons that can function as more than just a tool to cast spells with, Osvald also has a high magical defense taking less damage from damaging spells and attacks that are magical in nature.[/i] [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [hider=Osvald's Flaws] [list][*] [b]Overly Analytical:[/b] [i]Osvald's one caveat is that he approaches everything from a logical standpoint that he at times can seem out of touch with things like understanding others emotions as he thinks of things logically most of the time.[/i] [*] [b]Single-Minded:[/b] [i]Driven by his desire for revenge, Osvald can miss the details that are most important when faced with the opportunity of exacting it. He will drop everything at the opportunity of chasing what he seeks. And might even resort to less than ethically moral choices to get what he wants.[/i] [*] [b]Scholar Not A Fighter:[/b] [i]As a mage and a scholar Osvald is better equipped to deal with foes from afar, since he isn't as proficient in melee combat than others. He takes more damage from physical attacks if not well equipped and deals less physical damage.[/i] [/list] [/hider] [b]Spirits:[/b] [list] [*] [b]N/A[/b] [/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [hider=Weapons] [list] [*] [b]N/A:[/b] [/list] [/hider][hider=Clothing & Apparel] [list][*] [b]Prisoner's Rags:[/b] [i]Osvald wears tattered and moth eaten rags, consisting of a ragged shirt and black linen pants that look as though they'd seens better days. His boots are scuffed and beaten and an iron manacle hangs upon his neck with the chain hanging down to his legs.[/i] [*] [b]Spectacles:[/b] [i]A set of old circular spectacles with a wire frame.[/i] [*] [b]Overcoat:[/b] [i]A large heavy brown overcoat that is worn over Osvald's attire to keep him from freezing.[/i] [/list] [/hider] [b]Currency:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [/hider]