[center][h1][color=#af7ac5][b]Valerie Durand[/b][/color][/h1][/center] It took some time, but with Roche's help, Valerie unpacked all her luggage. She hadn't brought all too much of it, but unpacking was still a pain no matter how used she was to the process. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Thanks for all the help."[/b][/color] Valerie thanked her roommate after they finished, her staring in admiration at her Chazz Princeton posters for a moment. [color=#af7ac5][b]"I owe you, lemme get you something once I get some more DP to spend."[/b][/color] She told Roche as she moved to leave the room, waving goodbye behind her. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Gonna head out for a while, look around. See you later, yeah?"[/b][/color] As she started walking through the halls of the dorm, Val pulled out her PDA, idly checking her DP balance after her first win. Did they really need to use that acronym? Whoever came up with it really hadn't thought the whole matter through, considering it was for an island of hormonal teenagers. That, or they thought it was funny. Apparently their first day's food budget had already been allotted to their balance. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Divide by three per meal..."[/b][/color] Valerie muttered to herself, doing some quick mental math. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Subtract the win...wow. One win doesn't count for squat."[/b][/color] Her winnings were just a fraction of a third she'd allotted from the food budget per meal. It'd get her a light snack, at most. She'd check the card shop on the island later, but considering how much cards cost on the outside, it'd probably take her several more wins to afford anything beyond a single booster. Or if she skipped meals... [b]"Girl, your expression reveals what you're thinking."[/b] Ceruli cut in, an eyebrow raised at Valerie's expression. [b]"Do not think to skip meals to afford additional cards. Need I remind you that you're still growing?"[/b] Valerie just sighed and rubbed the back of her head, reluctantly shrugging. As much as she appreciated having Ceruli around in place of her parents, there were times when she was reminded of the downsides of having a constant companion looking over her shoulder. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Yes, [i]mom[/i]."[/b][/color] She groaned quietly, after confirming that there was no one else in the hallway to overhear her even whispering. Whatever. Time to keep moving. She'd work all this out later. The dorm lounge was already somewhat filled, with some people already out socializing. Valerie idly glanced over as she made her way to the vending machine, purchasing a bottle of iced tea as she tried to decide where to sit. As much as she knew everyone was in the same situation as her where no solid friendships had been established yet and they all had a clean slate in social terms, breaking old habits was still hard. She wanted a quiet corner. But the closest she could find to that was a block of seats where some gray-haired guy was sprawled over, looking half-dead. Screw it. Hopefully this guy wasn't a creep or anything. Valerie sat down a few seats away from who she didn't know was Flynn, opening her bottle of iced tea and taking a few swigs. After seeing that he wasn't going to initiate conversation, she figured she may as well. It was still the first day. Couldn't hurt to be sociable yet. [color=#af7ac5][b]"Dead already, huh? Was the trip over that bad, or something else? Roommate a bit too much?"[/b][/color] Not that she was speaking from experience or anything. She was totally speaking from experience.