[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/N8nSp3D.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221025/aec613744d983e91d014c604f894dfd0.png[/img][/center] Pine wished this school had a green dorm. Red was not his color… He also hoped that the school wasn’t going to get on his case for adding a flower hairpin to his hair. After changing into his new uniform, he sat with the other students, and as he listened to the welcoming speech. It was the same old usual things. Pine did have to roll his eyes at the chancellors stupid joke about finding the rooms comfortable depending on your rank. Why was giving the shoddy accommodations to new and lesser skilled students funny? They were there to learn, why were they being punished for that? After everything was done, Pine walked to his assigned dorm. He was taking his time getting there, as he was busy admiring the flora that grew on the island. Along the way, another Slifer student proceeded to walk alongside him and talk his ear off about various strategies. As annoying as it was, Pine did appreciate that somebody actually wanted to talk to him… And it was a cute boy no less! We’ll see how long that lasts… Pine wasn’t about to get his hopes up on making friends here. When they finally arrived at their dorm, it turned out they were roommates. Kaison immediately challenged him to a duel. Pine blinked in surprise. [color=green]“Y-y-you actually want to challenge a flower loving freak like me? I mean… um… I’m up for it…[/color]