[hider=Denise Ryan] Name: Denise Ryan Age: 27 Profession: Wedding Planner, Bride-to-Be Top 2 personality traits: Confident, Controlling Biggest Fear: That she’ll never be loved. Three items you have with you (Other than clothing-either profession based or related to your reason for being in Silent Hill): Phone, pepper spray, chapstick Bonds: Marcus Dillard (a Fullback on the Atlanta Falcons, her fiancé), Nadiya Jenkins (her best friend and fellow wedding planner), Seamus Moore (an Irish golf player and former client she cheated on Marcus with), Daisy Jo Adams (rival from her pageant days), Charlene Ryan (her mother) Character Flaws (may be self-percieved): Denise is very insecure about ever showing vulnerability’s and can often blow hot and cold in social situations. She is more than a little ruthless, and has on multiple occasions thrown people under the bus to get a leg up career-wise. Because she’s generally paranoid about others exploiting her, she’ll often attempt to do the same to them first. How and why did your character get to Silent Hill: It was the day of her destination wedding, in Maine and Denise was just about to get ready to head to the church, when she got a frantic call that Marcus was nowhere to be found. Shocked and saddened, but most of all angered by the fact he did this to her o her wedding day, Denise set off alone, still dressed in her bridal ware. She wasn’t sure why, but something was pulling her to Silent Hill, and so she found herself in front of the gates. Bio: Born to a poor family in a trailer park just outside Atlanta, Denise grew up understanding the importance of scrapping for every little thing that you could get. This led her to view life as a competition and little else-only furthered by her youth being spent competing in pageant after pageant. While the attention and the competition were things Denise loved, she also found herself despising losing, and so she quickly discovered the lengths she would go to to avoid that. Of course, she’d try to keep it on the legal end of things, but a rumor there, a carefully placed comment there, all helped to keep her on the top of the heap. While she didn’t keep up with pageantry into college, Denise replaced that passion with throwing herself into event planning for her sorority. While a far different tack to being the one on stage, Denise found herself enjoying the idea of putting events together, from location reservations to finalizing guest lists. Making plans and making sure everyone adhered to them was exhilarating, Julie the plan she’d set out for herself. Part of that was marrying wealthy, and it was in college where she met Marcus, a star on the football team. Did she love him? Denise wasn’t sure, but Marcus was nice, funny, and out importantly, set for a sterling career in the NFL. So, she went for it. After graduating college, Denise set off to the wedding planning industry, using the same tactics that propelled her through the pageant game. Using that same work ethic, she became one of the most renowned wedding planners in Atlanta, rich fiancé in hand. Still loveless, but all according to plan. At least, until she ended up sharing a night of passion with a client of hers. The next week, Marcus had proposed to her, and Denise was ready for the rest of her life. Physical description (Can be a picture if you wish): [hider=Image] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Xq0FNco.jpg[/img] [/hider] Insanity Score (leave blank until you start gaining insanity points in game): [/hider]