[sup][h1] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2156828d9c7ff0ca90e869f708c68893/tumblr_inline_oo2rixWQJM1s50qig_500.gif[/img] [b][center][color=black]π–™π–π–Š π–‘π–Žπ–”π–“π–˜ 𝖔𝖋 π–‘π–†π–“π–“π–Žπ–˜π–™π–Šπ–— [/color] [color=fd2e2e] π–™π–π–Š π–‘π–Žπ–”π–“π–˜ 𝖔𝖋 π–‘π–†π–“π–“π–Žπ–˜π–™π–Šπ–— [/color][/center][/b][/center][/h1] [center][color=fd2e2e]π–˜π–Žπ– π–’π–”π–“π–™π–π–˜ π–†π–Œπ–”[/color][/center][/sup] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AViJIXo5Kbg]β™«[/url][/center][right][sub][color=#b05858]mentions:[/color] [color=#48e07a]Garrett & Leyla Tyrell[/color] [@Danvers][/sub][/right] [hr][color=gray]𝕿he Ocean Road has long been a vital link between the Westerlands and the Reach. Stretching from the gates of the Lannisport to Highgarden, it winds alongside the western coast with striking views of the Sunset Sea, the edge of the known world. It was on this road that, centuries past, the two kings of Lannister and Gardener had met to form an alliance against Aegon Targaryen. While dragons had been their doom all those winters ago, and occupants of Highgarden changed, the strength of such a union remained obvious. Between them, they could command more gold, grain and men than most other regions of Westeros combined - and now, there were no dragons. It was in pursuit of this alliance that Lord Tytos Lannister rode the ancient Ocean Road, the thundering of their hooves disturbing an otherwise peaceful winter's morning. His party headed for Highgarden and the funeral of Leo Tyrell, the late lord. Yet it was not respect for the dead that brought Tytos to Highgarden but opportunity, for Leo had long resisted a joining of their two houses. [i]Small-minded, and craven[/i], Tytos had thought him. He would not be missed, and his early passing had been welcome news in the halls of Casterly Rock. With his eldest son now in the early and most impressionable days of his lordship, the opportunity to secure an alliance between their houses was ripe. An unequal alliance that Tytos had every intention of leading. In the distance, as the morning frosts melted and gave way to a midday sun, the white towers of Highgarden came into view. The group, of no more than two dozen or so, found themselves on an elevated rise by the Mander, and looked upon the impressive seat of House Tyrell. Sunlight danced across the myriad gardens laid outside the walls, and waters of the Mander snaked peacefully alongside. As they rode toward the gates, the Lions of Lannister brought their jaws around the Roses of Highgarden. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/naTaxQ7.png[/img][/center] Even in mourning Highgarden was beautiful as ever. Nature did not care for the follies of man. Naught but winter would halt its slow but steady progress, and it would bloom even as tears were shed. Servants milled back and forth, preparing for a funeral that none had been ready to hold. Even with the prolonged illness of their Lord, they had never considered that he would not survive. They bowed their heads somberly as the small entourage passed, some brave eyes glancing up for a sight of a lion. It was not a familiar one to many of them. They were led through the gates, past the maze that would foil any attack and the rising gardens that seemed endlessly bountiful. The air was heavy with floral scents, almost perfume like in its intensity. As they moved through the final wall they were led deeper into the gardens, through archways and under ivy that concealed passages barely even visible at first. They were to be taken to a place that the Tyrell children had always loved, for it felt secret and quiet and only for them. The new Lord sat alone under a large pergola, servants waiting quietly and stood still in the background. His body was slung casually atop a chair, arms hanging languidly on its sides. When the lion arrived he looked up but did not make to move, instead offering a simple nod. [color=#48e07a]"Ah Lord Tytos, welcome to Highgarden. You are looking well for one who must be travel weary. I do hope your journey was not too unpleasant. Please take a seat..."[/color] He waved a nonchalant hand as he spoke, [color=#48e07a]"Tea? Wine? Something stronger perhaps?"[/color] Dressed in dark clothes of mourning, there was no question that Garrett had still taken the time to carefully tend to his appearance. A light smile played on his lips and the heir turned Lord looked ready to laugh at any moment. His deep brown eyes watched Tytos slowly, waiting. Highgarden welcomed the lions jaws and hoped it would forget that roses have thorns. Tytos strode through the garden with purpose and pace in his step, emerald eyes cast over the figure of a young lord awaiting him. It only took him a few moments to get the measure of the man. Inexperienced, cocksure and, he was willing to wager, not as smart as he thought himself - a dangerous combination, and one to be exploited. Some of his companions had bristled at the immediate summons to business after such a long ride from Casterly Rock. The young rose had not even thought to meet his party at the gates - a disrespect that betrayed his inexperience and, in truth, Tytos did not much mind. It was in his interests to have this business concluded with haste. He lifted a hand to his shoulder, unbuckling a golden clasp in the form of a roaring lion, releasing a crimson riding cape and folding it across the back of a chair. The smell of horse clung to him, still. [color=b05858]β€œWater will be fine.”[/color] No sooner than he had sat himself opposite Garrett, a serving girl had a goblet filled and set on the table. [color=b05858]β€œI was sorry to hear of your father.”[/color] He reached for the goblet now, his gaze scrutinising the conceited man across him. First impressions were made quickly, and Tytos had already concluded that it was unlikely he would be fond of the new Lord Tyrell, though for reasons entirely different to the last. It did not matter. The strength that their alliance could hold was reason enough to suffer the man’s company. [color=b05858]β€œI did not know him well, but I can at least say he was a man of strong convictions.”[/color] Setting down the goblet after a welcome drink, Tytos wasted no more time on hollow pleasantries. It had been easy enough to see through the black veils of mourning and discern Garrett’s ambivalence for the death. Perhaps he disliked the late lord even more than Tytos had. If Reynald was to be believed, that may well have been the truth. [color=b05858]β€œBut, for all my respect of your late father, I am sure you know it is not a funeral that has brought me this far from the Rock, no. I am here because of those convictions. Convictions that, I hope, you do not share.”[/color] Garrett shrugged noncommittally, his face one of peaceful indifference. [color=48e07a]"No, I did not suspect that it was respect driving you here on the morn of his funeral. Far be it for a Lord to wait a single day before encroaching on territory that my father would undoubtedly be uncomfortable with."[/color] He smiled insincerely; it did not reach his dark eyes. [color=48e07a]"But you are correct. We shared little in common if I speak truthfully. He was very fond of pleasing others and there is no doubt that he will be severely missed..."[/color] Some may have mistaken Garretts words for a form of wistful sadness, a son grieving for a father that he had known for all twenty-eight years of his life. Yet the shallow disingenuity of one who likes to play with others had always made him hard to truly read. Taking a sip from his wine, Garrett placed it on the table before leaning towards the lion. His chin rested atop his hand as if he were simply meeting up with an old friend. This particular area was secluded, unlikely to be encroached upon, especially by those with ears and eyes as sharp as any thorn. [color=48e07a]"I suspect you are not one to pussy-foot around an issue and I am apt to become easily bored. So please, tell me more of your purpose here." [/color] The stony expression remained, but even if he would not show it, Tytos felt a wave of relief at the invitation to continue. Reynald had advised that the man was not one for mincing words, and this guidance had now borne fruit. Already, he could feel his ambition starting to be realised. With a soft incline of his head, he began to describe his offer. [color=b05858]β€œI am here because there is an opportunity that lies before us. One that your father could not see.”[/color] He interlocked his fingers, resting his hands on the table before him. [color=b05858]β€œWhen Aegon first landed on these lands, it was the combined force of Highgarden and Casterly Rock that met him on the field. My ancestors knew then the power of our combined lands. Now, you know the histories and the dragons that overcame them. But that truth - that power of our combined houses, of the Rock and Highgarden, remains."[/color] His pale green eyes glanced about, contenting himself that they were unheard. [color=b05858]β€œThere are storms brewing, and with it treacherous days await both our houses. I propose that together, our houses can not only weather this coming storm, but conquer it. We have the opportunity to command more gold, and more men, than most of Westeros combined.”[/color] He fell quiet for a moment, allowing the thought to linger in the head of his opposite, before explaining the obvious means for such an alliance. [color=b05858]β€œI have a son, and you have a sister. Together, they can hold an alliance that will overcome any foes. So.”[/color], he brought his hands apart, his palms facing toward Garrett. [color=b05858]β€œDoes this bore you, Lord Tyrell?”[/color] The young lord let out a loud bark of a laugh. For the first time he seemed more than lethargically disinterested, his eyes glimmering wickedly. [color=48e07a]"Surprisingly not. I'll give you that."[/color] Thoughts, of his own power, of his own desire to maintain his position, ran through his head. Yet he had been to all of his fathers meetings, listening even when he did not wish to; the curse of a keen mind perhaps. It was this unfortunate consequence of his upbringing that made him acutely aware of the Tyrells current position in the Reach. His father had seemingly been too preoccupied with extravagant festivities to give little care. Or at least that's what he had thought. [color=48e07a]"I have two sisters, though only one of age so I will presume you mean Leyla. And you do not just have one son…"[/color] He trailed off, leaving his question unsaid but open to be carried by the soft wind. [color=48e07a]"And I can not deny that gold and men are tantalising offers, but I wonder whether I can truly trust a lion..."[/color] He raised an eyebrow, his words as blunt as the dull edge of a blade. A wry huff escaped the Lannister. [color=b05858]β€œWe would not be discussing a marriage alliance if you could trust me.”[/color] His thin lips creased into the shadow of a grin. [color=b05858]β€œIf I might offer you advice, it is that you do not need to make formal alliances with those you trust. That is the purpose of this alliance - to join our interests.”[/color] He relaxed against the chair, and the brief display of amusement faded. [color=b05858]β€œAnd you are right, I do not have only one son, but only one is unwed. Loreon, one of the finest knights in the kingdoms and a fair match for Leyla.”[/color] He brought a hand to idly stroke the greying beard at his chin, as he was often wont to do. [color=b05858]β€œTogether, they will hold our alliance - and when wed, your interests shall become mine and mine yours.”[/color] As the lion spoke, Garrett stood, striding to a nearby rose bush. With deft fingers he plucked one of the white flowers, easily avoiding the thorns that dotted its firm stem. [color=48e07a]"Yes, yes, you are old and therefore wise."[/color] He smirked, the insult passing over his lips as easily as water over rocks. [color=48e07a]"But I see no qualms in marrying my sister off to your kin. I can't deny that it would be a pleasing match…though she may be angry at me for the decision."[/color] The young lord replied idly as he walked back to his decorated seat, standing behind it whilst he twirled the rose between his forefinger and thumb. [color=48e07a]"Will you tell me of these interests of yours? Or are you as secretive as the rest?"[/color] [color=b05858]β€œYou’ll find my interests quite plain. By vesting our houses in one another, we strengthen the holds on our lands, and discourage disloyalty in any storms that may come.”[/color] The inscrutability of Lord Tytos had always made him hard to read and while his words were honest enough, it did not take a political savant to recognise when the whole truth was not being told. Every lord in Westeros was out for themselves and their kin above all else, after all. It was not dishonest - rather, the game they played. He quickly moved the topic on. [color=b05858]β€œBut I am glad you have seen what your father could not. We’ll announce the match at Summerhall. My son will be there, have your sister be there also. Once the tourney is resolved, my host will travel to Highgarden for the wedding, and we’ll have this business concluded in a fortnight. Loreon will remain at Highgarden thereafter, as symbol of our joined families.”[/color] With a curt nod, Tytos pressed upwards from the chair, his brevity an intentional manoeuvre. [color=b05858]β€œGood.”[/color] [color=48e07a]"You have cast a ray of light on a very dark day."[/color] Garrett answered, smiling at the Lord of the Westerlands as he placed the rose gently atop the table. [color=48e07a]"We will be sure to make Loreon more than welcome. I must attest that we rarely get complaints from those who stay at Highgarden - excepting the few who get lost in the maze."[/color] He picked up his goblet once more, idly swirling the deep liquid but not moving to take a drink. [color=48e07a]"But I hope he is not so foolish."[/color] He added with a smirk before standing from his chair. [color=48e07a]"Now I sadly have more sorrowful matters to attend to but please, rest and refresh your party. My servants can advise you on some interesting parts of the garden that would be good to take a turn about."[/color] Garrett nodded to a group of servants who remained put as he took his leave, waiting not for the lions reply. Tytos watched as the lord took his leave, the whisper of a smile curling at the corners of his mouth. The words of his ancient house were [i]β€˜Hear me Roar’[/i], but in this, nothing would be heard. His influence over Highgarden would grow in the shadows like a weed in their garden, choking out all other seeds of ambition. It was to become his, and the Reach would answer to the Lions of Lannister.[/color] [hider=TLDR][list][*]Lord Tytos Lannister rides to Highgarden, seemingly to attend the funeral of the late Lord Leo Tyrell. [*]He meets with Garrett Tyrell. [*]The pair agree to a powerful alliance between their houses. Loreon Lannister is to be wed to Leyla Tyrell at Highgarden. [/list][/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/naTaxQ7.png[/img][/center]