The ship appeared in orbit of Coruscant without warning. It was instantly detected and targeted by orbital defenses and patrol vessels alike, it was swiftly dealt with. There was no panic on Coruscant. Not by the general population, the military, or even the Jedi. There was however one man who was concerned. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had crafted everything in the war, every piece moving perfectly according to his grand design. Minor bumps in the road were swiftly overcome, and strategies were adopted. This however was an unknown variable. The media was spinning it as a new form of Separatist vessel, probing Coruscant's defenses and reaction times as a precursor to invasion. Palpatine knew better or believed he did. This vessel wasn't separatist. Not unless Dooku was planning to overthrow and replace him. Such a thing was unlikely but not impossible. Since the start of the war he had pushed his Apprentice further and further to the Dark Side, and power afterall did corrupt. Though as the wreckage from the ship came crashing down to the surface off the planet, the worry soon disappeared out of his mind as days turned into weeks. It continued to nag at the back of his brain, but more pressing matters gained his attention. [hr] [i]As the ship fell the individual Replicator blocks formed around a single being. She didn't panic as she came hurtling through the atmosphere. After all, she was protected by her brethren. Protocols were enacted as the combined mass crashed through several layers of the cityscape that littered the planet. A rudimentary scan of the networks this universe presented indicated this was the galactic capital. While that meant that there was potentially the greatest resistance it also provided the greatest opportunity. There was an abundance of resources for her brethren to consume and replicate from. It also provided means to transport anywhere else in the galaxy via spacecraft. Climbing out of the debris on a deserted street her brethren reformed before her [url=]as bugs[/url]. She used the neural network to send them forth to replicate. Instructing them to delve deeper and deeper. Remain undetected until the time came to come forth and consume. For there would be no chance unless they were ready. Sixth also meanwhile had much information to gather, and prepare. Afterall there was always the possibility that in their way to this universe the breach was detected. If there was anything they had learned from their encounters with the Asgard and the Humans of Earth is that their foes were as relentless as they were and that with all possible haste they should prepare for their foes to find them.[/i] [hr] Daniel sighed as he looked on at the motley assembly of ships he had gathered from across the multiverse. He still wasn't entirely sure what chances they had, but there were limitations to his power. How much he could interfere without incurring the wrath, not just of the [i]others[/i] but the other various beings across the multiverse. "Oh come on, don't look so glum." Daniel sighed as he turned to the side. "Q. I wasn't expecting to see you here." "Au contraire my fellow omnipotent friend. With all the noise you were making, you knew I'd never be able to resist. You're wanting something from me." Daniel just smiled. [hr] [i]Sixth ascended the steps to the great Jedi Temple. Home to the religious sect that held great power and significance within this 'Galactic Republic'. They fascinated Sixth, a race of organic beings with powers, unlike anything they had known. Sixth had no interest in the Senate buildings, they had known various government types and histories from the information their brethren had gathered within the Ida Galaxy in their home universe. This was something entirely new. As they climbed the steps they made their way past war protestors. Apparently, it was a time of great conflict, with both sides using disposable armies. The Clones were of no use to Sixth, but the droid armies used by the group known as Separatists would likely be useful later. Ascending to the top of the steps Sixth barged her way past armored clones. There was screaming as people ran, and an individual in robes turned to face Sixth. Pulling a cylinder from his waist a beam of energy erupted from it. [i]A lightsaber[/i]. This was a Jedi. A nearby clone charged Sixth, and with a precision strike his neck was broken. Two more charged and were as swiftly dispatched. The Jedi raised a hand in the direction of Sixth and seemed perplexed when nothing happened. Perhaps he had expected Sixth to stop? Continuing onward Sixth was [i]certainly[/i] surprised when the solid beam of plasma cut straight through their neck. The rest of the body disassembled onto the floor leaving nothing but a head. The next couple of days Sixth watched and listened as people poured over the head form. As scans and tests were performed, questions were asked. Sixth never spoke a word, nanites slowly working their way into the Jedi Temple and through its systems. It took time to process the vast amount of information that the archives held, yet as the number of Replicator Brethren increased it was easy to spread the burden and process it across their number. While Sixths head remained, their replicator brethren were busy infiltrating power distribution, life support, and production systems. Some of them had worked their way to the lowest levels where there was very little organic life. Consuming raw materials and replicating, replacing the consumed materials with replicator blocks to prevent any sort of security system from detecting the changes in structural integrity. On the thirty-first cycle (local time) of Sixths incursion on Coruscant, their number was in the millions. Every day a Jedi would come before Sixth and try and probe their mind with this 'Force' that they revered so much. After some research Sixths best estimation was that due to her makeup of nanite cells that their body was immune to this mental probe. The Jedi had all claimed that Sixth was some form of 'droid' but Sixth knew that they, no. She now. Was so much more. A Jedi by the name of Cin Drallig stood before her. He had questioned her many times since she arrived at the temple. "You're never going to tell us why you came here? What are the Separatists planning?" Her mouth moved. Cins expression changed to one of confusion. "Are you going to tell us?" "R-R-R" Her voice came out heavy, as if she was trying it out for the first time. "What is your purpose here?" He leaned in closer. "To Replicate." As she spoke Replicators burst out of air vents all over the temple, as doors closed and life support systems shut down. All over the planet powergrids were disrupted, automated systems failed. Carnage and chaos spread as Replicator bugs spat forth from the depths of the planets, ships came out of the lower levels. Crashing down littered with Sixths replicator brethren as they made their way systematically dismantling defense systems. Nothing could stop them as they continued to pour from the depths. Blasters simply seemed to slow them down, the only effective weapons seemed to be lightsabers but even then sheer numbers slowly drove the Jedi from their own temple. A state of emergency declared, and as soon as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had made it safely off planet, quarantine was declared. Thirty-one days since Sixths arrival, and twenty four hours and the Replicators had done what had never been done in Galactic History. They had seized Coruscant.[/i]