[quote=@kitramos] I'm fine with that long as I get a buddy to play with. I did have two other ideas I thought might also stir the pot a little more, but can be left out if need be. what if the geomancer and the artifacer knew each other before this all went down? could be another reason they where so quick to start working together. while they haven't worked on anything like this before, it would make more sense that they are the first person she asks. And What if my character started out as a guy, but somehow when the powers where granted it transformed them into a girl? I think it would give some extra fun problems for them to work though [/quote] We'd have to make sure we are respectful when portraying someone changing genders. I have zero tolerance for transphobia of any kind, so I don't want anyone to write their characters as "weirded out" by the change or anything of the sort. One way to do that is to have the character be genderfluid prior to their exposure to the amulet, and part of their powers centers around shifting their body between masculine and feminine forms depending on how they identify at any given time. Another option is to say the character was already transitioning from male to female, and the amulet granted their deep-seeded desire to have a body that matches their mind. However, having a normal, cis male who suddenly has a permanent female body might tilt a little too far towards transphobia for my taste.