Hello all my lovelies! I'm Eevee and I'm bran new to this forum. It's nice to meet you all in advance! Right now I'm a student a step mother and i run a home so I can be busy but I make a effort to reply or post attest once a day. Spelling and grammar are not a big thing for me as I struggle with it my self. all I ask and I will my self . if it dose not make sense send a message and ask for a re write. Some things about me and my Role playing: 1. I'm 34 years old and I aim for people to role play with attest in there twenty's. 2. I have been roleplaying since my early teens so almost 20 years! 3. I aim for 1-3 paragraphs for a reply if we have multiple OC each then there would be a longer reply. 4. i like to have romance in everything I do. it can go form the slow burn to a hot and quick. 5. I can play an male or female. I prefer female but I am ok with either. 6. I can do smut, or we can fade to black. I can go form NSFW kinky to simple loving and caring. 7. If you know you are not going to be able to respond for a bit I ask a message letting me know so. and I will do the same to keep things clear. A few plot ideas: [hider=Arranged marriage] A wealthy man has struggled for years to find a wife. Hiring a match maker to find him a match. Expecting a gorgeous model or millionaires daughter, he was greeted with a very shy woman at there date. Unsure at first they went ahead with the dinner and chatted. She explained she was working and going to school to be a nurse and worked two jobs to pay for it. She is kind and sweet and even helping an old man stand up form his chair in the restaurant. Their marriage happened and over time they learned to care for each other and one day fall in love [/hider] [hider=Escaping madness] a woman is running for her life form her abusive husband. running threw the forests to a old farm house. it looked old and abandoned and ran in and hid. the husband and his hunting dogs ran past not finding her staying in the house she found an old couch and a blanket on the back and curled up to sleep. in the morning the farmer comes down and stops seeing a thing raged woman sleeping on his couch. giving her a safe play for work on the farm the farmer appreciated the extra hand and traded it for her housing. over time they get to know each other and fall for either. the husband comes looking for her. she is so scared she hides deep in the barn and then the farmer finds her she admits everything that happened to her [/hider] [hider= Escaping execution]YC a King who has been alone for years after his wife and Queen passed away bringing his Heir into the world. Threw the last war The king had taken over a territory killing the king and MC the Queen found this morning in hiding. She is brought before you and she is terrified and shaking. The Queen had been forced into marriage to the rebel King. Her father, a Duke, had been forced to either lose everything or marry off the daughter to the King and pledge his loyalty. The Queen begged for her life to explain the situation she had been put in against her will and begged for her life instead of execution. The King seeing that she was truly innocent he pardoned her from the execution and had her imprisoned the castle with no contact with the outside until he could figure out what to do with her. As time goes on soon, they begin to enjoy their company. MC’s fear slowly disappeared, and she became comfortable. The King began to trust her and see she was just a typical girl who had been put in a place she never wanted. They fall in love and work together to make the kingdom thrive.[/hider] that's what I have so far I will add as ideas come to me send me a PM and will chat from there!