[@Andromedai] [Hider=Raven Collins] [b]Name[/b]: Raven Collins. [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Sex[/b]: Male. [b]Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. / Skills[/b]: [i]SPECIAL:[/i] Strength: 5 Perception: 8 Endurance: 6 Charisma: 8 Intelligence: 6 Agility: 6 Luck: 1 [i]Skills:[/i] Guns, Unarmed, Speech. [b]Appearance[/b]: A tall, handsome figure, physically fit and athletic, whose well-groomed black hair matches his own dark eyes. His uniform isn't dirty, but isn't immaculately-clean either, but shows proof of regular use. [img]https://i.imgur.com/lVIeVtv.png[/img] [b]Armor and Equipment[/b]: - NCR Trooper Armor /w helmet. - Ballistics Vest. - 2x Stimpak. - 2x RadAway. - 1,150 caps (converted from NCR cash). [b]Weapons[/b]: - Service Rifle. - Hunting Rifle /w scope. - Cleaver - 10mm Pistol - Switchblade. [b]Personality[/b]: Despite a concious effort to appear like an ideal soldier, Raven knows full well that he joined for the adventure, for the exploration, to satisfy his desire to see new horizons and meet new people. And the people of Whitlash have satisfied that desire for now, so he earnestly wants to help them, including by digging them a new well and making sure that it lasts, or helping repel the occassional raider or band of bandits. Nevertheless, he is easily bored, and part of him wishes to explore the wasteland, finding old vaults and installations and the secrets of the Old World, not alone, of course, but with a band of adventurers. [b]History / How they came to be part of Whitlash[/b]: Raven Collins was born in the NCR heartland, in The Hub, to a pair of small merchants, who paid for a good education which prepared him for the military, which was scoring victories against Caesar's Legion in his youth. Joining at the age of 18, he managed to serve in the Mojave, and at the age of 20, helped fight off the Legion in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, where his abilities as a sniper reached full bloom. Raven then returned to the NCR and was then transferred to the new territories being expanded to up north, proud of having done his duty. In Wyoming, Raven spent time improving his survival skills in the beautiful area of what was once Yellowstone Park. Negotiating with the local tribals helped him realize that not all of them were savages, and many of them were useful to the NCR as they are and didn't need to change their way of life. It was an idyllic time, but reports of overpopulation and a potential food shortage were setting in, meaning that he had to go further east in order to earn new trading alliances and yes, areas to settle. Even then, years of helping manage tensions between the local tribals and new settler communities had ensured that Raven knew the need to build up goodwill. And so once he reached the town of Whitlash, sent there to scout out the town, his first acts were to seek out odd jobs and work to get the people's trust, before offering to dig them a new well with his own hands and shovel. After fulfilling this duty, Raven then bought a house and some land, getting to know the diverse cast of people who had settled inside, occassionally raising an eyebrow at the apperance of Enclave or Brotherhood folk, but deciding not to provoke a fight for now - There were ties to form and regions to explore! [b]Extras[/b]: - Raven is bisexual. - Raven dug a new well for Whitlash at the first opportunity in order to foster goodwill. [/hider]