[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY2Y2ZhMC5UV2x5WVNCV2FXUjVZWEowYUdrLjA/kremlin-advisor.regular.webp[/img] [color=Seashell]╔═════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════╗[/color] [/center] The young acolyte stepped out of the carriage with the others. It had been hours since her feet touched solid ground. She stood on the grass, she could feel it tickle her ankles. Mira turned towards the coachman, the wind played with her veil while she spoke to the man. [color=Lightsalmon]"Thank you for taking us here, I shall pray for your safe return."[/color] She nodded to him, a hint of a smile on her features. Some would say she was foolish. Who would be grateful to be taken to these lands? No one dared to venture here. Yet there was a quiet confidence to the way she carried herself, her voice serene and sure. Mira had not exchanged much conversation with the others while on the carriage. She still knew little about them. There was one thing they shared, a need to travel to this place. There were signs of life further up ahead. The hills, cliffs and trees seemed to be guiding the company towards that path. It almost looked peaceful, but she knew that was far from the truth. She joined in on the introductions, deciding on their course of action could wait until she at least learned their names. Mira bowed lightly towards Jay and Burt. One tall and thin with ginger hair, the other short and lithe, white bearded. [color=Lightsalmon]"I'm Mira."[/color] As the coachman left Mira watched him go. After he was out of sight she turned towards the Frontiers with a weary look on her face. [color=Lightsalmon]"We shouldn't stay in one place for too long."[/color]