[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/967582818458828860/V2.jpg[/img] [color=silver]"Welcome, welcome one and all to these old halls. A majestic castle once long ago, now cursed and haunted...filled with the ravenous undead!"[/color] A disembodied but familiar voice echoed out through the halls, reaching the ear of every magical girl involved in the castle. There's a flash of movement as something descended from the ceiling, clad in a long black cape with a red lining underneath. It's Valeria, dressed up as a vampire and sporting fake white fangs that hang out of the edges of her mouth. She's upon Charlotte at once, her breath laced with beer as she nipped and bit on Charlotte's neck in a traditional vampire's embrace. She'd hiss in her ear and giggle before lurching back upward and waving an arm to the crowd. [color=silver]"My first victim of the night! Muahaha! All this blad will go to my powers...and I shall become an unstop-oh nein forget this stupid accent blegh."[/color] Valeria pulled the fangs out from her mouth, rubbing her lips. [color=silver]"Hey hey. There's food in the dining hall, I recruited the Academy staff to make a meal of just about any type of food or drink since I wasn't sure what people wanted."[/color] Valeria would fall back into a seat next to Charlotte, kicking her boot clad feet up and hanging them up over the side of her seat. [color=silver]"The teachers can hang out here, just to make sure you guys aren't sneaking booze in. Because that would be terrible. Especially since you haven't shared it with me."[/color] Valeria chuckled, downing a glass bottle of Heniken in only a few steady gulps.