"What do you mean only fifty gold pieces?" The khajiit practically spat unintentionally at the general store salesman. "Listen..." The man began, but took a pause when he noticed Qara'Sion folding his arms in front of his chest; clearly expressing a bit of frustration. "As you can see, times are becoming a bit more difficult and dangerous khajiit. Can't really afford to buy off a few beginner spell tomes with what is going on around here. Gold needs to be saved for more important things..." Qara'Sion could only sigh like he usually would in situations like this. Even though it was a long time since he was a traveling merchant, the same feeling he had when people were to pay him less for the original selling price remained like a splinter:Pure annoyance. "Well, who's to say the tomes wouldn't become one of those [i]important things[/i] you mentioned? Perhaps they could end up saving someone's life?" He stated to the man. Hearing his response, the man bit down on his lip; he was thinking about something from Qara'Sion's words. If the khajiit was going to strike to make the man give in, now was the time. "After all, as you said so yourself, if times were to be as dangerous as you said, then even you could benefit from owning these spell tomes as beginner level as they may be." The man averted his eyes from the khajiit's mismatched ones. But soon he chuckled to himself and nodded, looking back at him. "I suppose you're right. It would be helpful in the long run. I'll double my offer and throw in a book or tome of your choice out of fairness. How does that sound to you?" Qara'Sion entered his thoughts again wondering if it would be worth it. He did have the tomes for a long amount of time so it wouldn't matter too much- "Simba, take the offer so we can leave, please." Qara'Sion's sister complained, addressing him by his false name. "Fine, its a deal. Just...uh, give me a cook book." He spoke out as his train of thought was broken. The man left the counter to search for the book he requested while his sister approached him, leaning into his ear. "Why on earth a cook book?" She asked. "What? I can't enjoy cooking can I?" Shenzi shrugged and moved away from her brother as the man returned to the counter, placing the book that was requested as well as the gold pieces. "Here. Enjoy and thank you again." The storekeep said to them. Qara'Sion took the gold pieces and the book, shoving them into his bag before nodding with a thank you and left the store with his sister; leaving the spell tomes he had on the counter for the man to take. The two khajiit walked in the town, quietly, barely speaking to each other at all. The younger of the two was wondering why neither of them were speaking, but a subconscious feeling made him think he knew the reason why. And his question was answered. "[i]Simba[/i]" His sister began putting emphasis on his name for the reason she was having trouble not calling him Sion. "I don't like this at all. We have no reason to be in this mission-" "I know." He cut off his sister's sentence. She sighed first, then began her sentence again. "Then why are we getting involve-" "I don't know." He cut her off once again, this time walking slightly ahead of her. And she began to speak once more. "Listen, I don't want to die out here, nor do I want Belle or-" "I know." It was a repeated cycle. Qara'Sion was becoming frustrated from his sister's words. He didn't want to think about the real reason why they were there. "If you bloody cut me off one more damn time-" "I don't want to die out here either." Qara'Sion stated, clearly doing what she told him not to do. "I want to get back to Skyrim, but the safest way would probably be to stick around everyone else. I don't know how the others will feel about me suddenly leaving, but believe what I say, I don't want a single thing to do with this." He stoically said to her, keeping his eyes forward as they walked by one of the guards. [i]I also want to find our brother and sister..." He thought lowering his head instinctively. That was another reason he didn't want to stay in the war. That was more important then being a unknown soldier on the battlefield. "Hey, you aren't going to answer me?" Shenzi asked him. Qara'Sion didn't even realize she was speaking to him. He really did go deep into his own thoughts and didn't hear a word she said. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you sister." "I said, where did you put your [i]walking cane[/i]?" Putting strong emphasis on the two words, lowering her voice. Qara'Sion thought for a moment before realizing she meant the weapon she fixed. He slowed down his pace to match her, and lowered his own voice to mimic her's. "Wrapped with the tent supplies." He explained as he arched his head back in a form of pointing to the tent gear he carried. "I figured it would be more dangerous to have it rolled up with the rug incase anyone wanted to check it out. No one is going to want to check out the tent supplies since it looks like it could only fit for one person, but they might want to check out the rug." He added to his sentence. Shenzi smiled at him with a nod before quickening her own pace. "I'm going to go look for Belle and the fat-one okay? Stay safe Sio-" She paused for a moment. With a sigh, she began to say his name again. [i]"Simba.[/i]. And walked off in another direction from him. He was hoping they would all make it through this moment. But he still needed to tell the new friends he has made that he wasn't going to be around with them for much longer.