Name: Gary S Callahan Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: A master cynic who seems to care for nobody but himself. He is focused on the job he was assigned and is under a bit of stress over it, so his cynical personality is amplified. He has a bit of a dark sense of humor, and tends to overdo it on alcohol and occasionally uses hard drugs (he insists that it helps him do his job better.) He insists that he is not here to save anyone, only to do his job. There might be some level of compassion in him somewhere though. Inventory: High tech mercenary armor (he doesn't need it, but its part of his uniform) three small tubes of nano-healing gel, a flask with a little vodka in it. It needs a refill. Abilities and skills: Pyromancy: Gary is mainly known as a fire mage, though that isn't the only magic he knows. He can heat things up gradually or rapidly, up to and beyond the heat of the hottest sun. He can throw bursts of fire at people, create a fire whip, coat himself in fire as a type of armor, and even create wings of fire to levitate and/or glide temporarily. His own fire never burns him, and he manipulate fire attacks directed against him. He can also dispel or neutralize fire. This has other uses besides just putting out fires. He can prevent explosions from certain bombs, prevent gunpowder guns from firing, cause a combustion engine to cease to function, and make heat/fire based weapons, such as flamethrowers or laser rifles, useless. Buff Magic: He is nearly always in a "buffed" state. His strength is buffed so much he could injure gods, his speed is buffed so he could move beyond hypersonic levels, and his durability is buffed so he could punch a solid object with the force of a comet and his hand will be unharmed. He is so accustomed to doing it he will sometimes even subconsciously put himself into his buffed state while in his sleep. While in his buffed state he can take hits from incredibly strong beings and knocked through buildings and be fine though perhaps in pain. He can only buff himself, however. Ritual Magic: He knows of several rituals. One is to share his memories with someone else to help them learn quickly. His memory will be inserted into their minds. Another is to speak with ghosts temporarily. Another is to summon otherworldly beings. That last one is his least favorite and he generally avoids doing it. Weapons: As far as weapons go he generally doesn't have much of a need for them. Sometimes for fun he will use a blunt weapon but they break after the first swing with how hard he hits. He can throw things with greater force and speed than any gun could fire a bullet. He does have a greater idea of how energy weapons work than almost anyone in the dimension he is currently in. Hand to Hand: Gary never mastered any martial arts, but he has been fist fighting since he was a young kid. He learned some basic MMA moves and other moves from taking a few classes here and there and from experience. He is also well accustomed to fighting at extremely high speeds. His Mind: He isn't a genius, but he knows when he is being manipulated and doesn't fall for it. He is familiar with eldritch monsters and has even fought gods before, so he doesn't lose his cool when facing strange and terrifying creatures. His casual attitude about fighting and killing can be a bit...unnerving. Other: Gary works for an interdimensional corporation call Nya Corporation. This corporation has the technology, the weapons, and the men to take care of any threat. That being said they know a Class 5 Apocalyptic Even is about to take place and want to see if they can get this situation under control by sending only one agent into this dimension. The agent is sent through a portal to this dimension with no way back until the mission is successful or he dies. If the earth is destroyed and/or every human dies then the agent fails the mission and will be abandon there to die. Gary accepted this mission for the promise of a super large payout and a likely promotion.