[hider=THE MIGHTY THOR] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Thor Odinson [u][b]Alias:[/b][/u] The God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard, the Thunderer. [u][b]Age: [/b][/u]Roughly 2000 years. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Standing at an even seven feet, Thor is a giant of a man. With arms as thick as tree trunks, and a musculature to match. Often Thor is clad in chainmail made in the forges of Asgard and a black tabard sewn with six roundels bereft of heraldry and appearing as little more than blank steel that go from his chest to his waist. He has a winged helmet, with a sheet of chainmail going down to his neck and covering his face. A red cape is thrown over his back, covered by a gray wolf's pelt. Thor’s face is rough hewn, covered in a thick blond beard, and framed by long blond hair. His eyes are lightning blue, and glow when he actively uses his domain. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Throughout the myths that spawned from the adventures of his youth, Thor Odinson has always been a protector of humanity. Time has done nothing to dull this. Indeed, his long life has made him rather honest, seeing it better to speak a painful truth than keep a pleasant lie. Honorable to a fault, he will seek to spare his foes if possible. Thor will often do what he thinks is necessary, even if others disagree with his actions. Yet when the Odinson gives an oath, it would take the work of mighty forces indeed to see him break it. [u][b]Powers: [/b][/u] [u][b]Strength:[/b][/u] Alongside the God of Thunder is a lesser known aspect of his titles: The God of Strength. When it comes to contests of simple brute force, it is hard to find one more capable than Thor. From taking the Hulk himself on in a fist fight, to throwing cars and lifting boats, it is no exaggeration to say that any who sought to restrain Thor often had to seek more esoteric means, such was his simple strength. [u][b]Durability:[/b][/u] One cannot be strong without also being able to endure your own strength. Thor’s body is built to take the powerful forces he can put out, which in turn makes him rather durable. From bullets, tank shells, and blows from the Hulk, Thor is able to take a great deal of punishment and come back swinging. However, durability does not equal immunity from pain. While his body can take a great deal of punishment, Thor himself might be overwhelmed by the sheer pain and be rendered unconscious. [u][b]Flight:[/b][/u] Due to a mix of his dominion over thunder, and his own hammer, Thor is able to fly. It is, predictably enough, not subtle in the least. Often being accompanied by the crack of thunder, he is wreathed in lightning as he flies. [u][b]Electrokinesis:[/b][/u] Fitting for a God of Thunder, Thor has control over one of the simplest, yet powerful forms of energy. If not in the way some would expect. Thor can summon storm clouds with a simple pulse of will, drenching the area in blackened clouds, rain and thunder in defiance of the local weather or local terrain, a desert for example. While he is capable of guiding those strikes of thunder, he most often directs them towards himself, letting his hammer–and by extension himself–be energized by their power for a short term boost. Often leading to him directing that energy out from his hammer, usually by smashing it into the ground, pointing it at someone, or simply throwing it at his foes. [u][b]Skills: [/b][/u] [u][b]Warrior:[/b][/u] Thor is a warrior born. From the moment he could walk, his father has taught him how to fight. For thousands of years he has taken his hammer to many a foe of Asgard and Midgard both, which has given him a frightful mix of experience, skill, and simple natural talent. Thor fights brutally, with powerful, heavy blows, seeking to win a fight the moment it starts. This could potentially leave him open to more skillful, agile opponents…if even they could avoid the Thunderer. [u][b]Hunting:[/b][/u] A long lifetime of fighting threats to Midgard, and indeed simple hunting for food, has given the Odinson a considerable skill in tracking. He recognizes many beasts from the Nine realms, though his focus lies more in the area many would consider fantastical. He is, after all, more used to tracking trolls and dragons than foxes and elk. [u][b]Ruling:[/b][/u] While it has not been a skillset often exercised by the Prince of Asgard, he has been taught the basics of ruling. Though many would likely find its considerations more medieval than modern governorship. He’s admittedly somewhat rusty at it, spending his time more as a defender than a ruler, but it makes him decently good at shouting at people. [u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] While Thor does not use magic, a long life spent in Asgard and royal tutors have given him a basic understanding on how it operates. And, more importantly, how to recognize it. He is by no means a Sorcerer Supreme in the mystic arts, but he holds a greater understanding than most would suspect in it. [u][b]History: [/b][/u] Born thousands of years ago to King Odin and the Earth Goddess Gaea, Thor has always been a stubborn headed fool. In his youthful years, when he was still red of hair, he traveled Midgards northern reaches, sometimes with friends, sometimes on his lonesome, and doing battle with mighty creatures. As well, of course, going on grand benders truly worthy of song. He was an arrogant, preening youth, wielding his blade in drunken rages and injured pride with equal measure. That all changed the day when a band of Jotun snuck onto Midgard, content to pillage and eat their fill—not just of elk and fish, but people too. Thor himself stumbled drunkenly into one of the villages they were raiding. Where, to his horror, he saw the Jotun feasting on the townsfolk. Consumed with rage, he took his blade and charged the band all by his lonesome. The battle was fierce. He lost. He was fished from the river by Sif and the Warriors Three, and taken to Asgard to heal. As Odin gathered warriors to hunt the beasts he denied Thor a position in their ranks. Too hot-headed, too arrogant, too [i]foolish.[/i] Thor did not rage as all expected. Instead he quietly departed for the deep areas of Asgards palace. There, in its depths, he found Mjolnir. Dejected, yet curious, and filled with grief at his own failures, Thor made to lift the hammer. He was the first since Odin himself to grasp it. When he went to his father then, Mjolnir clipped to his belt, there was no question that the Prince had changed. He joined the hunt, and smashed in the Jotun leader's head himself. Since that day Thor has changed. He became wiser, calmer, and considered himself the protector of humanity. He has battled many foes then, dark horrors, terrible mages—indeed, one of those battles even resulted in the bleaching of his hair to its current state—alien invaders and all the monsters the Nine Realms have to offer. The latest of which was Hydra itself, some ‘old’ organization of Midgards that managed to outlast the war which spawned it. Thor joined the Avengers in their earliest days. He was not as staunch a member as some of them would perhaps like, for as Prince of Asgard he always acted by his own remit. But when called to battle he always answered, Mjolnir in hand. Even as some in Asgard begin to clamor for his return, to put an end to his centuries long ‘hobby’ in regards to Midgards defense. So far, Thor has refused. For he has made an oath. And it would take powerful forces indeed to see him break it. [u][b]Sample Story lines: [/b][/u] [u][b]Asgardian Disinterest:[/b][/u] Earth, or Midgard as many Asgardians call it, has long since managed itself. Confined to their own planet Midgard has thus proven the more ignorable of the Nine Realms. Now things are more chaotic than ever, with the Light and Dark elves seeming on the brink of war once more, the Frost Jotuns stirring, and forces from outside the Nine realms seeking to expand their interests, Asgard is spread thin. Many clamor for the Prince to put aside his hobby with the Midgardians, and take Mjolnir to the Nine realms once more. [u][b]Old Man in Modern Times:[/b][/u] To put simply: Midgard is different from the times of old when Thor roamed its lands. It has evolved considerably, in technology, thought, and people. Coming from Asgard, a mighty well of eternity, stasis some might say, to fast moving Earth takes some adapting to. Indeed, some officials do not take well to the Prince of Asgard, which amounts to royalty of another world, much less a country, acting like he does on Earth. To complicate matters further some people don’t even believe he is who he claims to be: Thinking him some fool taking inspiration—or even outright stealing—from myth, depending on their charitableness. Indeed, his own views on things may lead to some isolation from even other heroes, if the bridge cannot be crossed. Extra/Notes: [u][b]Mjolnir[/b][/u]: Made from Uru, ore from the first moon in existence, Mjolnir is Thor’s signature weapon and, indeed, his companion. A plain looking hammer lacking any embellishments, it is nonetheless rather powerful. It does not split apart the universe, summon stars or destroy worlds. No, the hammer is powerful because of its simple, stubborn will to [i]endure.[/i] Many have tried to undo it through all its years of existence, and it has denied them all. In a way, it is as much a shield as it is a hammer. Indeed, only those it deems worthy may lift it. Any who tries, and is found wanting, simply cannot. Thor is able to toss his hammer without a care, for with a flicker of his will he is able to bring it back to his hand just as easily. With Mjolnir often simply smashing through whatever interposes itself between the hammer and its wielder. [/hider]