[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YQgCVYB.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mWutLO6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] Latrell certainly didn't expect the backlash from the Queen. He knew respect was needed, and perhaps he had been a bit forward. But he was merely introducing himself! [i][color=darkgoldenrod]Call us out here and get all pissy when we show up. Figures.[/color][/i] He took a piece of paper from a nearby servant and began to look around. He saw the gentleman who was kneeling earlier motion that he was number one, which happened to be Latrell's number as well. He took a short walk and gave a mild wave to the man as he approached. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Right, looks like we're on the same team then. Don't think I've heard your name friend. I seem to have arrived a bit after everyone."[/color] [color=Dodgerblue]"NEW FRIEND? OH BOY!"[/color] Buki interjected right after Latrell, who lightly rolled his eyes at his companions excitement. Latrell looked around at the group and took stock of their actions and reactions. They certainly were a mixed bag of expertise, moxie, and general hubris. He found this all very amusing and would have some fun getting to know these folks. He noticed the gaze of one of the twins towards Buki, which certainly put him on edge. However as he thought it out, it was rather strange to see a sentient invention of his, so he dismissed the suspicion for the time being. [color=darkgoldenrod]"This here is my pride 'n joy. He can really prove useful in a pinch. But don't rough him up too much or I'll need to build the poor fella a new body."[/color] He lightly chuckled as he broke the ice and awaited more figures to join their group. [/center]