Hello! I am [color=bc8dbf]The Enchanter[/color] (or Dirk, if you like) and I am a perfectly normal [i]human[/i]. Roleplaying is just about my favorite thing outside of obsessively constructing hypothetical worlds that no one will ever see. I have played tabletop roleplay games since I was a child, but I have very little experience in text based roleplay. As I am new to this type of roleplay, I have a couple questions (which you are welcome to ignore if you feel so inclined): 1. With text based roleplay is there a Game master type role where one person is responsible for the world and all the non-player characters, or are the story, world, and characters collectively generated by the role-players? 2. is there any common etiquette I should know for forum roleplay? (I would like not to be an ass) Thank you. I hope you have a lovely day.