"Hey!" Toothpick growled, slamming his balled up paw on the table. "We're askin' da questions!" The giant badger standing just outside the light leaned over to whisper in his boss' ear. "I do have ta answer dis guy's questions? Dis onna level, Mongo?" the sharp dressed badger demanded, glancing over to you as Mongo whispered further, then stood back. "Ah, right. Sorry about that," Toothpick sighs, then leans forward. "So ta answer yer first question, dere's a GM in most of dese games what decides what happens. But we're new fish too, so meybe dere's some what plays like dat whole mob-rule thing?" He shrugged. "And as far as this eddy-quit, I wouldn't know, I never met da guy or dat he left. But ya gotta play nice here. You aint da one who decides iffen ya hit dat other guy. Dat other guy you're tryin' ta punch does. And iffen he throws a punch at you, you decide iffen you ducked, you blocked, or ya got punched. Keep blockin' and duckin', yah ain't playin' nice and nobody wants ta play with you no more, capiche?" The badger leans back to lounge a bit. "Ya also gotta play it smart, ya see? You da player has ta keep yer cards close to your chest and not tell yer character everybody's dirty linens. Dat Remy guy, fer instance, is sleepin' in his own basement 'cause he got a hit to da head and can't remember so good no more. You know that, but your character don't know him from a hill of beans, got me?" "And annudder thing," Toothpick scowls. "Iffen you just posted and someone else posts after you, don't be jumpin' back in and reply ta him. Give da other guys a chance ta post, too. You guys wanna do da whole back-n-forth, do a collab post, it's just bein' respectful, is all." "Is dat da time? Sorry 'bout dis," the boss badger straighten, reaching into his pocket, "But dis is fer you." A notebook and a pen appear from behind his coat lapel. "We doin' dat, what ya ma call it? Community service? Just write a note fer da judge sayin' how helpful we were, would ya? I don't think he likes it when I just say it."