The year was 1890 and the Western Expansion was still in full swing. I recently moved from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Missoula in the Montana Territory to be a school teacher. It was a complete culture shock when I first arrived in the bustling mining town that sat between a group of mountains. I had experienced cold and snowy winters back in Philadelphia, but nothing prepared me for how harsh the Montana winters truly got. The school gave me a small one bedroom cabin to live in, which was around five miles away from the schoolhouse. During my daily walks to and from the cabin, I noticed a man working in the woods. He seemed so different compared to most of the men - big and hairy. We had struck up a friendship during my walks and he began to help me with chores around the cabin. As time went on, I noticed how much we enjoyed each other's company. ------------------------------------ I would like to explore a relationship between the young school teacher and her newfound male companion. If you are interested, send me a message with your character's description and backstory.