[hider=I am Iron Man] [b][color=red]Name:[/color][/b] Anthony Edward Stark [b][color=red]Alias:[/color][/b] Iron Man [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 33 [b][color=red]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=red]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=The Man] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520041678032207887/1051382494274002984/Tony_Stark_RPG.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=The Machine] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520041678032207887/1051382523487322133/Iron_Man_Mk_42_RPG.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [b][color=red]Personality:[/color][/b] Tony Stark is brazen, egotistical, and slightly condescending. He has a hard time expressing seriousness even in the face of grave danger or cataclysmic odds, instead hiding behind a facade of sarcastic remarks and intellectual superiority. Tony prefers to outsmart, outbuild, and outplay whoever he is opposed to, trying to reserve resources unless absolutely necessary. He feels a tremendous guilt for the devastation caused by Stark Industries, specifically the countless weapons and designs that were stolen and sold illegally by Obadiah Stane. He feels a personal responsibility for each life lost at the hands of the weapons he designed. [b][color=red]Powers:[/color][/b] [hider=Iron Man Mk 42 Modular Armor Combat System] [u]Superhuman Strength:[/u] The Iron Man suit is capable of lifting upwards of 50-100 tons. Higher levels of strength are possible with the right suit configuration, and with significant energy depletion. [u]Flight:[/u] Max flight speed possible with significant exertion is Mach 1. Higher flight speeds are possible with external boosters, or lighter suit configurations. [u]Energy Conversion:[/u] All Iron Man suits have built in solar panels, conduction generators, and capacitor banks to absorb solar, thermal, and electrical energy. This helps keep the suit from depleting energy during routine operation. [u]Enhanced Durability/Shielding:[/u] All Iron Man suits are, by definition, suits of armor. They protect the wearer from significant physical harm. Heavier suits provide more built in protection and durability, while lighter suit configurations provide less defense. [u]Repulsors:[/u] The standard weapon used by all Iron Man suits. Repulsor technology allows for flight, evasive maneuvers, and for the firing of "repulsor rays" to incapacitate enemies. This technology is a Stark original. [u]Unibeam:[/u] The repulsor to end all repulsors. The Iron Man unibeam is a high risk, high reward weapon system attached to the chest of all Iron Man armors. It unleashes a singular, large beam of energy that is incredibly powerful. Unleashing anything more than a standard repulsor ray from the chest depletes significant energy from the suit. [u]Precision Lasers:[/u] More of a tool than a weapon, precision lasers mounted in the wrist of most Iron Man suits allow for precision cutting. [u]Stark Industries micro-Smart Missiles:[/u] A Stark exclusive weapon, micro-Smart missiles have micro-navigational systems built in and connected remotely to the Iron Man suit to allow for precision targeting. These missiles can pack anything from concussive rounds for non-lethal takedowns to high-grade explosives for remote demolition. [u]Sensor Arrays:[/u] A useful took in granting telescopic, microscopic, thermal, or x-ray visual imaging for quick study and analysis on the scene. On-board microphones, military grade radios and cellular systems also allow for long-range audio scanning and audio enhancement... while also keeping Iron Man connected to the group call. [u]FRIDAY:[/u] The on-board AI program designed to aid in maintaining the equipment and interface with the Iron Man suit in ways Tony can't. [/hider] [b][color=red]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=Gold]Weapons Engineer:[/color] Tony's primary skill lies in his ability to craft advanced weaponry. While this is often used to focus on the development of new Iron Man armors, Stark is more than capable of designing or deconstructing high and low tech weapons. He has been known to make do with nothing more than a box of scraps. [color=gold]Adaptive Intellect:[/color] Tony Stark is, undeniably, a genius. He speaks nine languages, is a chess grand master, and a brilliant multitasker. If Tony Stark does not know how to do something already, he's a quick study. And for the things he doesn't know, an incredibly advanced AI that is always on hand can fill in the gaps. [b][color=red]History:[/color][/b] Tony Stark has the same history everyone is familiar with. Spoiled rich kid inherits the family business, Stark Industries, once he's an adult and breezes his way through an engineering degree at MIT. At the ripe age of 22, Tony is invited out to a number of events and meetings in the middle east with high ranking U.S. military officers. His convoy is ambushed between meetings, and Stark ends up in a cave with Ho Yinsen and dozens of men connected to the Ten Rings organization. Stark is held captive to make new weapons and as ransom, but spends this time in captivity building himself a suit of armor to aid in his escape. Ho Yinsen dies in the escape, and Tony Stark is brought back to U.S. soil with a new lease on life and a new purpose. He could build a suit of armor and become a hero in a cave with a box of scraps. With his company's resources... the sky was the limit. To keep in line with early comics and to depart from the MCU, Tony does not publicly announce his identity. The Iron Man primarily focuses on recapturing or destroying weaponry made by Stark Industries. After a year or two, it becomes clear the connecting link is Stark Industries. Tony Stark disavows and claims ignorance of the Iron Man. This buys him a few years time, until Tony discovers that his own right hand man Obadiah Stane has been selling Stark weapons illegally for years. This forces Tony to take down Stane, who has his own Iron Monger armored suit. In the aftermath, Tony Stark admits that the Iron Man is a prototype combat armor developed by Stark Industries. Stark is forced into a deal with the U.S. government to avoid litigation and arrest, in which Stark develops the War Machine suit for Col. James Rhodes. Stark Industries is also forced back into the weapons market, with the biggest buyer being SHIELD. In more recent years, Iron Man has been chasing leads regarding stolen or missing weapon shipments for SHIELD. Stark didn't realize until Hydra was revealed that he had been almost directly funding HYDRA's war plans and operations. Iron Man joined the Avengers at this time to stop HYDRA once and for all. Tony Stark played a major role in helping clean up the mess HYDRA left behind, and hardly slept for months after the fact. He kept modifying his suits, tinkering like crazy, until he settled on the current Mk 42 design. Once word was beginning to circulate in the hero world about the Unlimited project, Tony Stark reached out to Steve Rogers. After a sit down, Stark pledged significant funds and resources from his company to get the Unlimited Project off the ground. At the press conference to announce the partnership, Tony Stark announced that he was going to be investing personally in the Unlimited Project; after all, he was the Iron Man. Tony is now publicly known to be the Iron Man, dedicated to the Unlimited Project to make sure what happened with Hydra will never happen again. [b][color=red]Sample Story lines:[/color][/b] [color=gold][b]Armor Wars:[/b][/color] With Stark Industries tech having been used by HYDRA forces, a lot of that technology is still in the wind. There are plenty of mad scientists, villains, or CEO engineers who could have gotten their hands on old Arc Reactors or Iron Man suits to reverse engineer. And Tony is dedicated to shutting all these bootleg operations down. [color=gold][b]An Exremis Reaction:[/b][/color] Stark has had to consolidate Stark Industries after some massive financial blows following the public revelation that HYDRA weapons were based largely on Stark tech. With FuturePharm closed down, former employees stole proprietary and highly volatile nanite technology and sold some samples to the wrong kind of people. [b][color=red]Extra/Notes:[/color][/b] Just as a note, the Mk 42 Modular Armor Combat System is meant to be a variable catch-all to allow Iron Man to function effectively in any mission environment. Tony can use aquatic, space, stealth, or X-buster configurations as needed to fill whatever role is required as an Avenger. [/hider]