[b][EA Contact] Extreme Outskirts of the Milky Way - Aboard the EAS [i]Vengeance[/i]:[/b] Overlord Thakva looked at the alien woman before he began to speak. "Interesting. Well I am Overlord Thakva, a diplomat for the Zurosh Empire. Been a diplomat since less than an hour ago so my apologies for any poor diplomatic skills that I might show. Anyway, I suppose it would be appropriate to share a bit of knowledge of my empire as well. The Zurosh Empire is composed of one race known as the 'Orcs', so if you want to know about physical features then you can just take a good long look at me. Also, I have a question. Could you give me some information about this galaxy? Information such as inhabitants, available space, etc." said Overlord Thakva in a semi-formal manner.