[center][h3]Makeen[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nSZTYr5.png[/img][/center] Opening the gate did not lead to riches as Makeen had hoped... Instead it lead to more enemies. Figures... Siris so kindly took down the bastard who stabbed him. Feeling the sense of comradery Makeen moved in position to help a familiar face. Makeen launched one throwing knife and missed spectacularly. Luckily the bumbling brigand (likely still reeling from Lyuns mighty blow) missed his swing. Taking advantage Makeen launched another knife this time meeting its mark. [center][sub][i]Makeen moves 8 tiles to 16-24. Makeen attacks #4 killing him. Makeen gains 36xp. [/i][/sub][/center]