[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MouTqPS.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]ASHÜR grimaces at the pain, first of his wound, then of the searing succor of Zuzu, and finally at the thought of how much glassen flesh was hidden 'neath a veneer of scars. Shaking the [i]strange][/i] off of himself, the dour man sends one eye toward the large cavalry detatchment leaving the southeastern gate, and the other eye toward the priest. ASHÜR: "Join with the others and find safety within the walls. . ." His words are just as much pointed towards Etor as Iddin. "I'll take care of your woman." The bandit adds with some venom. And just so, he darts back past the priest as the likewise foreign merchant looses a volley of arrows that meet their mark. With a deft swing of his curved blade, the burly Kassite is felled.[/indent][/indent] [center][sup]ASHÜR moves 7 tiles to 33-15 and attacks KASSITE BRIGAND #1 with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE, killing them! He recieves 36xp and levels up![/sup][/center]